
Silencer Shop Sponsors ASA-F’s Inaugural Silent Night Fundraiser Banquet

AUSTIN, TX – The American Suppressor Association Foundation (ASA-F) is excited to announce Silencer Shop as a title sponsor for the inaugural Silent Night Charity Banquet Taking place at the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin, Texas on Thursday, November 30th, the banquet will be the event of the year for the suppressor community. 

“Silencer Shop is excited to continue our unwavering commitment to pro-suppressor litigation and educational initiatives with the ASA, and we’re proud to be the title sponsor of the inaugural Silent Night Charity Banquet. It is through education, activism, and a ceaseless commitment to empowering the Second Amendment community that we will build a positive future for American gun owners,” said Dave Matheny, Silencer Shop Founder and CEO. 

The Silent Night Banquet will include an open bar, a delicious dinner, a silent auction, a live auction, a raffle, and a keynote address from Captain Chad Fleming from Team Never Quit. In addition, every table package sold will come with the buyer’s choice of amazing products, including the best suppressors, rifles, pistols, shotguns, and optics.  

As the 501c3 wing of the American Suppressor Association, the ASA Foundation is leading the charge through active litigation to make suppressors legal in all 50 states. ASA-F has already filed Anderson v Raoul in partnership with Silencer Shop, challenging the constitutionality of the suppressor ban in Illinois. The Silent Night Banquet will help ASA-F raise essential funds to continue the litigation in Illinois and file lawsuits in other states like California and New Jersey. If successful, suppressors will become legal in all 50 states for the first time in over 100 years. 

To help support ASA-F’s fight for your constitutionally protected right to own and use a suppressor, visit to purchase a ticket or table for the Silent Night Banquet.

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