Protact by Haartz

Sneak Peek – GBRS Kinetic Ti by Sangin Intruments

The GBRS Kinetic Ti represents a timeless partnership between two veteran-owned companies. Collaborating to create a robust and enduring timepiece, their shared goal was to craft a watch specifically designed for real-time operations.

This collaboration timepiece is produced in small batches annually, limiting it to one per customer. Available 1-1-24 @ 1300 EST.

3 Responses to “Sneak Peek – GBRS Kinetic Ti by Sangin Intruments”

  1. BS says:

    Is GBRS going to franchise everything?:)

    • Sasquatch says:

      I mean, if I had their rabid fanbase, I would. They could put out red anodized Strike Industries gun parts…if it had their logo and they did a kNoWlEdGe TrAnSfEr, they’d sell out in minutes.