
Agilite Employees In Gaza

People design gear differently when they know they’ll literally be sent to war in it themselves. Pictured above is Lev Friedman, Agilite’s Head Designer in the K-Zero plate carrier that he designed, inside Gaza, January 2024. 

Lev is one of several Agilite employees who have fought on the front lines in Gaza since the massacre of Israeli civilians on October 7th. They’ve posted several updates about them on the Agilite social media channels @agilitetactical

12 Responses to “Agilite Employees In Gaza”

  1. Chris says:

    When I get enough money together, I’m buying my plate carrier from Agilite. Thank you very much SSD for posting this; made my Friday.

  2. Mehmaster says:

    Unimpressive kit worn by mediocre soldiers. Buy American. Enforce better fire control and targeting. Stop violation the law of armed warfare.

    • Roy says:

      Go fuck yourself

    • qabom says:

      IDF ain’t perfect but better trained than most of the under-trained/over-equipped and too often overweight conventional US Army IMO and I’ve seen both. Urban combat is brutal, messy work but there is a world of difference between the way US and the West (I’d include IDF here) does it and how devastating and indiscriminate it could be. Don’t believe the hype you see on the press, IDF is working hard not to make noncombatants suffer. You stick to your law of warfare hue and cry to the end brother, the only thing that’s guaranteed is that your enemy won’t. Maybe time to grow up and realize geopolitics and warfare aren’t romper room. Payback is a bitch.

    • Philip says:

      Storing weapons in protected buildings, preventing humanitarian evacuation, targeting civilians, using human shields, and decapitating infants are actual violations of the LOAC. Where’s your critique of literal terrorists you lead paint chip eating jackass?

    • Penworthy says:

      better yet, you might stop drinking the anti-western civilization (leftist/islamist/communist/etc) koolaid

      support terrorism = pay the price

    • Asinine Name says:

      Learn some situational awareness, like reading your audience, Kneejerk.

  3. roy says:

    God bless Israel and its people.

  4. Ak says:

    Yes God bless Israel. now what to do with the zionists? Hell iss to leniet for these things

  5. Brent says:

    Israel is wonderful.