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Dark Systems K9 Products Receive NATO Stock Numbers

Several Dark Systems products have been assigned NATO Stock Numbers (NSNs). Dark Systems is world-leader in K9 helmets. The DarkFighter K9 helmet protects K9s in +40 countries and is used by hundreds of units and agencies. This K9 helmet is a modular system available with more than 20 accessories and modules (hearing protections, muzzles, mounts, strobe light, cameras) and offers advanced two-way audio communication in collaboration with the most famous tactical headsets manufacturers: OpsCore, Falcom, Invisio, 3M, Walkers, etc.

The products to receive NSNs are the DarkFighter K9 Helmet, accessories and payloads.

An NSN is a 13-digit numeric code, identifying all the “standardized material items of supply” as they have been recognized by all NATO countries including United States Department of Defense, and allows for any of the 31 NATO militaries to purchase the items on a “military catalogue” basis, significantly simplifying the procurement process.

The assignment of an NSN is also relevant to non-NATO customers in that it is considered to signify that the product has achieved a certain level of acceptance by the world’s most discerning military customers, the members of NATO and NATO’s allies.

Dark Systems expects that the receipt of these additional NSNs will assist its sales efforts in both NATO and non-NATO countries.

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