TYR Tactical

Enforce Tac 24 – Fantosme Armor Adaptable Chest Rig

French company Fantosme unveiled their latest chest rig which is so new it doesn’t even have a name yet. Hot off the sewing machine from designer Flimmuur Tactical, this rig quickly accepts armor plate pockets.

There are three internal magazine pockets and the front and wings feature laser cut PALS slots. As an aside, the 40mm placard features the same retention technology used in Flimmuur’s MagPi inserts.

While the front armor plate bags goes behind the ammo pouches, the rear plate bag attaches externally and is compatible with Crye Precision zip-on panels.

It attaches via Velcro wrapped around the yoke of the harness. You can also see the sliding harness feature for improved fitment.

2 Responses to “Enforce Tac 24 – Fantosme Armor Adaptable Chest Rig”

  1. Adamn says:

    Awesome. Simple and versatile “crossover” rig. Too bad that donning it would require a buddy with this top side buckle.

  2. Jay says:

    looks like a poorly executed rip off of a Tracer Tactical product…