AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

“Filming Under Fire: John Ford’s OSS Field Photo Branch” from the OSS Society

Hollywood director John Ford, who commanded the Off ice of Strategic Services Field Photographic Branch, received six Academy Awards, including four for Best Director.

His WWII service is the subject of the OSS Society’s new short documentary, “Filming Under Fire: John Ford’s OSS Field Photo Branch”

One Response to ““Filming Under Fire: John Ford’s OSS Field Photo Branch” from the OSS Society”

  1. G3SM says:

    This was the legacy I tried to re-spark in OEF and beyond by bringing a movie camera on deployment, only to be told by the powers-that-be that no need for high-resolution documentary footage had been identified. They were happy to rely on the jumpy handycam footage from PA/Combat Camera alone.