SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Join Direct Action at Eurosatory 2024

Direct Action®, a leader in high-end tactical gearmanufacturing, is proud to confirm its attendance atEurosatory 2024, the premier international event showcasingdefense and security technology and innovation. Thisparticipation underscores Direct Action’s commitment to superior quality and advanced products in the military and public safety sectors.

Why Visit Direct Action® at Eurosatory?

With European roots and a global influence, Direct Action® isrenowned for tactical expertise derived from modern combatexperience. The brand epitomizes exceptional understandingof special forces’ needs, delivering products characterized by meticulous craftsmanship and stringent quality standards.


Experience Tactical Excellence Firsthand

At Eurosatory 2024, Direct Action® offers exclusive gearconfiguration presentations led by distinguished former JW GROM operator ?wiru. These live demonstrations willhighlight the versatility of Direct Action’s gear configurations, showcasing the adaptability of our acclaimed plate carriersystems. Sessions will run daily on demand, reflecting our’Individual-as-a-System’ philosophy, which enablescustomized mission-specific gear solutions. Former GROM member – Puwal, will also share his experience regarding the use of our gear during combat operations.


Unveiling the Latest in Tactical Gear

Visitors to the Direct Action® booth (C296, Hall 5B) willdiscover the latest advancements in tactical gear, including the introduction of the new Multicam Tropic color. In addition, we will showcase our new products, providing an exclusivelook at cutting-edge equipment designed to meet the rigorousdemands of military operations. Another attraction will be the robot EOD PIAP Fenix, exemplifying our commitment to integrating advanced technology with tactical gear.


Mark Your Calendars

We invite you to join us for this unparalleled opportunity to enhance your operational capabilities with Direct Action’s® state-of-the-art tactical gear solutions.

Event Details:

Date: June 17-21, 2024

Booth: C296, Hall 5B

Location: Paris, France

For more information, visit:

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