RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

France Removes Ban on Israeli Companies Participating in EUROSATORY, Ban on Individuals Still In Place

Israeli firms were barred from attendance in the first few days of this week’s EUROSATORY defense exhibition in Paris. The decision to ban them was made by the French government in late May, causing quite a stir within international elements of the armaments industry, affecting 74 companies set to attend the bi-annual event.

The Macron government enacted the ban after calls for a cease-fire in the conflict with HAMAS were ignored by Israel.

Last week, Bobigny District Court expanded the rule to include not only firms but individual citizens of Israel, including diplomats and other government representatives. Although COGES, the show organizer has appealed this decision, they were forced to provide this document to potential Israeli attendees.

The ban on companies was overturned yesterday by the Paris Commercial court which found it to be discriminatory, declaring a suspension of, “the execution of the measures adopted against the Israeli companies whose stands were prohibited at the EUROSATORY 2024 exhibition, until the closing date of the exhibition.” The case was filed by the France-Israel Chamber of Commerce but unfortunately does not address the ban on individual attendance.

It is unclear at this point if any Israeli firms will bother to show up at EUROSATORY, which continues this week, considering the late action by the court. It is also a question as to whether the individuals who man those booths would be allowed to enter.

12 Responses to “France Removes Ban on Israeli Companies Participating in EUROSATORY, Ban on Individuals Still In Place”

  1. Mehmaster says:

    It’s almost like the international community doesn’t want to be associated with militaries who drop 100s of JDAMs on women and children….almost.

    • Bob says:

      But clearly the Iranians (providing bombs and drones to destroy Ukraine, Yemen, etc), Saudi’s (Yemen and more), Chinese (numerous human rights abuses), and others… they’re fine to attend

    • .308 says:

      I guess no nation could attend by those standards. You seem to be a keen student of history.

      • mehmaster says:

        The only comparable actors who have killed as many civilians in such are short time are Assad and Putin and MBS in Yemen.

        • .308 says:

          You are in dire need of a history lesson… perhaps the BBC news is more for you?

          • Mehmaster says:

            Civilian deaths in similar Urban fights like Operation phantom fury and Mosul 2016 are magnitudes lower.

    • Eric G says:

      France made the decision unilaterally due to Israel’s refusal to end hostilities after Macron’s demand they do.

      By all means DO NOT learn about the fire bombing of Dresden by the British or the atomic bombing of Japan during WWII.

      I stand with Israel. Any group who conducts themselves like Hamas did on 7 October deserves to be hunted down and destroyed. The recent hostage rescue by the IDF demonstrated that combatants masquerade as civilians, complicit in the holding of hostages in homes.

    • Clasky says:

      Israel didn’t want this war. Hamas started it on 7OCT last year when they committed the most barbaric terrorist attack in modern history. You’re clearly missing a few notes on the situation and the way terrorist organizations work, so let’s fill in the gaps. There is no other military in the world who has gone to the lengths that the IDF has in avoiding civilian casualties. Hamas and other terrorist groups purposely set up shop in civilian homes, neighborhoods, municipal buildings, schools, and hospitals in order to set the circumstances for high civilian casualties. They want to paint the IDF as the bad guys.

      The IDF risks the lives of its soldiers and operational success daily in order to avoid civilian casualties. Before a strike, they broadcast a warning on TV and radio to the area. They drop leaflets, they make phone calls to people’s cell phones. They then “knock” by firing non-lethal munitions on the roofs of buildings as a final warning to evacuate before using live ammo. This puts the lives of soldiers at major risk because it gives terrorists time to prepare. These measures have garnered praise from US and UK generals who cited Israel as going above and beyond.

      But monsters like Hamas tell the people to ignore the IDF’s warnings. They tell people to stay in place, knowing they will be killed. They want to use the bodies as propaganda to garner support from liberal western countries and BDS college idiots. The civilians who flee anyway are often killed by Hamas as “traitors” along with their entire families. These deaths are also blamed on Israel.

      Regardless of this, the people in Gaza “elected” Hamas in 2006 after Israel left in 2005. Hamas won a majority of the government and then promptly murdered the minority PLA government to cease total control. The palestinian people are kept uneducated with zero prospects for a better life. They have been fed lies about stolen land for decades and told that the Jews are the sole source of their problems. They are easily controlled by this narrative Hamas enjoys 70% approval across Gaza and WB (even after what they did on 7OCT). The “civilians” are often used as guerrilla fighters, martyring themselves and partaking in terrorist activities. The recent rescue saw hostages being held by an Al Jezeera journalist.

      And while civilian deaths are horrible, it is and always has been a fact of war. Should we compare the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians who died as the result of the coalition war? What about all the Japanese and German civilians that died from bombing in WWII? How many civilians did the US kill in Vietnam? But all of that aside, it comes down to one question: what would you have Israel do?

      This conflict has been going on for over a hundred years. Israel has fought defensive war after defensive war. She deals with terrorism on a level westerns cannot comprehend. Constant rockets, mortars, drones, shootings, stabbings, vehicle attacks, S-vests, IEDs, etc. It’s a regular occurrence for children to run off school buses and into bomb shelters. Parents don’t often go out for date night in cities in case of an attack that would cost their children both parents. Public transport is something to think twice about. People live in constant fear, yet still want peace. But after the atrocities of 7OCT, what would you have them do?

  2. Elie says:

    Perhaps the French would like me to wear a yellow star so I can be better identified? What hypocrisy-Macron’s Presidential plane is equipped with Israeli anti-missile technology and France’s latest tanks have Israeli Trophy protection systems so it’s fine that we protect him and French soldiers but aren’t allowed to attend Eurosatory? What a pathetic excuse for a man.

  3. Oh man the clownshoes…let me guess the Taliban technically are ok to come though?