AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

AUSA 24 – SIG Remote Operated Equipment

SIG gave us an update on their robotics and remote operated weapon station programs which they are referring to, with an eye to the future, as Remote Operated Equipment. As you may recall, SIG purchased Israel’s General Robotics last year.

This is the first fully US-produced SIG weapon station, mounted with an MMG 338 Machine Gun, and sitting atop the tracked Donkey concept platform.

The weapon station is capable of remotely charging and firing the weapon as well as rendering it safe.

The flexible feed chute is from Nobels Worldwide and the weapon is fed from a 300 round quick change ammo can. The entire system can be controlled via a tether or remotely via a Persistent Systems MPU5 radio.

Finally, the weapon station optics include a variable powered day camera along with a thermal camera and 1550 eye safe laser range finder.

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