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Radical Defense BAD-21 Suppressor

After successfully suppressing the M2A1 and M2A2 .50cal Machine Guns, RD (Radical Defense) began pursuing the next evolution of the original 50 FVS suppressor. The design intent was a modular, more streamlined, lower weight, higher flow suppressor with a reduced form factor. What followed was the 50 GPS (General Purpose Suppressor) Program.

50 GPS utilizes one suppressor with multiple mounting options via taper lock mount muzzle devices. Each muzzle device is designed with specific internal geometries and thread pitches per use on each intended weaponsystem while using the same, standard external geometries; for example,making the same suppressor useable on a Barrett M107, a McMillan TAC-50, and an M2A1.

Using a 50 GPS muzzle device designed to thread into a barrel shroud, RD mounted and performed limited function testing of 50 GPS on an M3Pwith the eventual goal of adapting 50 GPS for use on the GAU-21.Utilizing customer feedback, in an effort to simplify the system, RDmoved away from a specialized muzzle device and modular suppressor design. Instead, RD developed the BAD-21 specifically for use on theGAU-21, with a primary focus of reducing Blast Overpressure exposure to the warfighter, air frames, and sensitive electronics.

In an effort to design the most rugged, durable machine gun suppressors possible, RD additively manufactures using Haynes 282. The (Blast Attenuation Device) BAD-21 is a monolithic design, without welds or threaded interfaces, which eliminates potential failure points. Additionally, Haynes 282 exhibits exceptional abrasion and wear resistance, and maintains high levels of strength at extreme temperatures.

The BAD-21 threads directly to the Barrel Jacket replacing the flash hider, and is then secured in place using the factory locking screws. Secondary lock can be achieved with the use of safety wire.

The intent with the BAD-21 is to allow the barrel to move freely and reciprocate as normal, while reducing blast overpressure and sound pressure wave experienced by the gunner, pilots, and/or any crewman operating around the weapon, as well as protect sensitive electronics within the blast radius of the muzzle.

Employing RD’s Breathable Technology, the objective with BAD-21 is to significantly reduce any effects of a suppressor on the kinematics of the host weapon, while also venting high pressure gasses forward of the weapon and not back to the operator. In this particular use case, considering the GAU-21’s high cyclic rate, the goal is to not increase the rate of fire of the weapon, cause reliability concerns, decrease MRBS, or increase long term wear and tear on the weapon, its parts or mounts.


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