SureFire XC3

Why BFG Chooses Only the Best Materials

Anyone who follows Blue Force Gear closely knows that we’re incredibly meticulous about every single detail even down to the stitch. No really, our stitches are carefully thought out for each item. We are that conscientious because extra stitching means extra weight and potential areas of failure (stitches coming loose or fabric tearing due to puncturing its integrity). This design philosophy is how we approach any product that we build. One of the reasons we select only the best materials available – and develop those very materials if none already exist – is to cut weight and enhance performance. This article is a brief snapshot of the history of our gear development and how we’ve become known as the pioneers of load-carriage.

It All Started with Weight Savings

Since the earliest days of Blue Force Gear, our designers have relooked at load-carriage from the ground up. They discovered that far too much weight was being built into military gear because the fabrics were inferior. Layers upon layers needed to be added for the equipment to be durable. BFG wasn’t satisfied with this logic and began looking into fabrics. They developed a proprietary high-performance fabric facing laminate called ULTRAcomp and a new MOLLE attachment system called Helium Whisper that cut weight by up to 60%.

After many tests, BFG discovered that ULTRAcompgreatly surpassed the durability of 1000D CORDURA, the industry standard at that time. It also increased signature reduction, repelled water, and was antimicrobial. Its laminate construction means that it can be laser cut, while maintaining edge stability and stiffness, allowing it to be used as a webless MOLLE platform, REMOVING material rather than adding it to achieve attachment points. This system is now known as MOLLEminus – because it’s MOLLE minus the weight, MOLLE minus the complexity, MOLLE minus the bulk.

Their patented Helium Whisper pouch attachment system was laser cut out of the same superior material, ULTRAcomp. But they took it a step further. They engineered each back panel so that only one piece of material was used for both the back of the pouch AND the MOLLE straps. This eliminated the need for additional fabric as well as stitching, thus decreasing potential failure points and sewing errors. It was truly a remarkable concept.

BFG began licensing the Helium Whisper pouch attachment system to other gear companies such as The Safariland Group, STRATAGEM, Mayflower, Velocity Systems, and more. They also now supply ULTRAcomp to other gear designers within the tactical space, and beyond.

Another material that Blue Force Gear made popular for load-carriage was elastic. They began utilizing elastic in their pouch designs after watching a cyclist use an elastic pocket to hold a heavy water bottle in his otherwise lightweight, skin-tight jersey. BFG designed a line of magazine pouches using a heavy-duty, military grade elastic for the retaining method and named it Ten-Speedas a tribute to their inspiration.

The beauty of these pouches is multi-faceted. First, they lay completely flat when not in use, a feature that is imperative for certain professional users. Second, they can retain objects that are of similar size. For example, the M4 mag pouch will retain M4 magazines but could also be used for tourniquets, bandages, multitools, flashlights, etc. The elastic creates a true multi-use pouch.

Ten-Speed is found in other Blue Force Gear products for retention. It’s used in select medical trauma kits like the MTKN! and MTKN! Plus to provide security to the medical supplies held in the inner compartment while allowing for rapid, single-handed deployment. It’s also a key feature in their Ultralight Dump Pouch. The Ten-Speed captures the 7OD Ripstop nylon bag and keeps it securely stowed.

BFG®’s Design Philosophy

For over two decades, Blue Force Gear has been designing gear – differently. BFG isn’t satisfied making the same thing as everyone else – merely changing the color or style. Instead, we design by a code of advancement – if we can’t make something better than what is currently available, we don’t make it. This is why we don’t focus on improving current designs, but rather innovating from the ground up, studying current problems and crafting modern gear to answer those needs.

We are proud to have pioneered technological innovations that have revolutionized load carriage and weapon carrying. Our rifle slings, not even mentioned in this article, are the world’s standard in weapon slings because of their simple designs and premium materials. This design philosophy of answering needs with solutions, creating elegant designs, and sourcing or developing only superior materials is the heartbeat of all Blue Force Gear.

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