FirstSpear TV

Whiskey 5 – 3GUN4VETS

WHO: 3GUN4VETS … – Non Profit veteran run organization.

WHAT: 1yr anniversary fund raising match.

WHEN: 30 -31 July 2016 (SAT/SUN)

WHERE: Parma, ID (Parma Rod & Gun Club) Home of the MGM Ironman

WHY: The Organization is about one thing and one thing only. Getting our lost veterans back, whether it be an emotional loss or a physical loss. Our goal is to help get combat veterans upright again by introducing them to a hobby they can not only relate too, but a group they can belong too. We take the weapons once used for destruction and help turn them into tools of healing. Our support structure is made up of like minded people that genuinely care for one another. Our sport offers not only the mental and physical challenges many of our vets are use too, but the camaraderie many have left behind or lost.

The 3G4V program is not designed to be a Band-Aid for veterans, but rather a life altering surgery. I know first hand the healing powers this sport has to offer because I too was once lost. Thinking I had no where to turn I let myself and my family suffer. This sport gave me back more then I ever could have asked for. This sport brought me back from a place I never wanted to be and a place I never thought I’d escape.

This isn’t a one time thing for us, we aren’t the organization that brings vets out for a weekend of fun just to check the block and say we did our part. This organization is about follow through. We are with our vets for the long run, they made a commitment to us, we owe them the same.


4 Responses to “Whiskey 5 – 3GUN4VETS”

  1. Kris says:

    I know Mike personally, and he’s a stand up guy with the biggest heart for veterans. Do not be afraid to stand behind this organization and support them.

  2. Mike Meehan says:

    Hey y’all, just wanted to give you a heads up the new pics are up on the raffle site, Instagram and FB. Go take a look and good luck!!


  3. Tilly says:

    First, let me commend and thank Mr. Allison and all of the brave men and women who have served our country proudly. I myself come from a military family (all the way back to the first American Reo#lution&v8230;note I say “FIRST”) and my brother is a decorated veteran of the Afghan campaign. I can only add that “Mr.” Morris is a disgrace to this country and should spend the remainder of his days begging for the forgiveness of those who are patriotic enough to do what he himself NEVER did: RISK ALL FOR LOVE OF AMERICA. RON PAUL 2012.