GORE-Tex Professional

The Big Gear Show 22 – Vaucluse Gear

Austin-based Vaucluse Gear designed a pack harness appliqué called the Cool-Dry Frame which is designed to make you sweat less and improve airflow.

Here you can see how it compresses between back and pack but retains enough space to facilitate airflow.

They are currently 3-D printing the Cool-Dry Frames but are transitioning to injection molding and expect it to stay at its current 6 oz weight.


15 Responses to “The Big Gear Show 22 – Vaucluse Gear”

  1. Zach r says:

    This will not keep your back from being completely saturated just like any other pack. The smartest people in the pack world will tell you nothing will stop sweat if you are active at all.

    • Hi Zach, you are correct. You are correct. Nothing will stop you from sweating because it is your body’s natural method of controlling body temperature. However, our Cool-Dry Frame will keep your back from being completely soaked. I invite you to view the growing number of testimonials and ‘sweat checks’ (product reviews) on our website, https://vauclusegear.com/. We’ve had Search & Rescue give it high reviews. We are in the process of testing it with the military and first responders. I hope you keep an eye on what happens with our frame in the coming months.

    • Ray Forest says:

      Agreed for heavy hiking but consider the Osprey Eric is wearing in the picture. What if he’s just walking the trade show floor? Or maybe outside at the zoo with his kids? What would be better, nylon covered closed cell foam or this?

    • PB says:

      It’s not about preventing you from sweating. It’s about allowing airflow to your sweaty back so that it evaporates and cools you down. And in really nasty areas like jungles or equatorial swamps, this should help mitigate prickly heat too. There’s a reason people in such environments like to use external frame packs with a lot of airflow between the back and the pack.

      • PB, you bring up a very good point. I never thought about jungles and swamps before. A good portion of our customers come from the southeast and very humid climates. If you can recommend any trade shows or organizations, I’d greatly appreciate it. I’m not familiar with this field of outdoor activities.

  2. Jon, OPT says:

    When you’re done with your hike your friends can use you back to play 1980s desktop games. Should come with a free version of Avalon Squad Leader.

    • Ray Forest says:

      I thought it looked more like Connect 4. Drop your disc in by the grab handle see where it falls.

      • Ray, thank you for your comment. I hope you also check out our product. You are right. It looks like the Connect 4 ~ a great game. Maybe we will make a version for kids that looks like the game! Thank you for the genius idea.

    • Jon, thank you for your comment. I hope you check out our Cool-Dry Frame by visiting our website, vauclusegear.com. We have a growing list of product reviews and testimonials. You will also like our t-shirts which have an 80s theme!

  3. Thomas Stickle says:

    waffle back for sure!

    • Thomas, yes, you could say it looks like a waffle. Actually, that would make for a fun design when we start branching out. Make a yellow frame that looks like a waffle with maple syrup on it. I like it!

  4. Seamus says:

    What I want to know is will this fit under my issues MSV plate carrier. All PCs are sweat & heat traps. Even the most ventilated barely move heat and moisture at all. Anything that can be done to assist is a big win, especially if it helps with load distribution,PC are just frameless fabric bags holding plates after all, and airflow.

  5. Jim says:

    Working as a LEO in a hot, dry climate like AZ, in a county that goes from lower Sonoran Desert to alpine elevations, I’m looking forward to trying one of these frames out.