GORE-Tex Professional

MultiCam Photo of the Month

This is the MultiCam® Photo of the Month for July, 2011. Each month, Crye Precision holds a contest via the MultiCam® Pattern website for the best photos featuring the pattern. If you would like to submit your favorite MultiCam® picture for their Photo of the Month contest, please email it to photos@multicampattern.com. Each month, the best photo will be chosen and displayed on their website. Winners will receive stuff and things.

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2 Responses to “MultiCam Photo of the Month”

  1. Starlight says:

    Aussie SOTG according to “Army News”

  2. FormerSFMedic says:

    This is a good pic for those Multicam haters. Looks like a huge advantage over UCP, and looks like it was mad for this environment! Hell yeah.