GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

12 Days of Tactical Christmas – Day #8

Todays’ prize is the Massif Flame Stretch FR Beanie in Black with Grey stitching. Made from Massif’s ultra-soft Flamestretch fabric, this Nomex® beanie is soft, comfortable and formfitting. Designed to fully cover your ears yet fit under a helmet.

Also, don’t forget, today’s winners as well as every other winner, will receive a 2012 Tac Girls Calendar. (Just the calendar, not any of the girls)

To Enter
Enter your answer to today’s question in the comment section of THIS post, here on SSD. Today’s question is, “FR – Do you use it or not?”

Don’t dilly dally. We could close comments at any time. And, remember to use a valid email address so we can inform you in case you win. One entry per email address per contest. You have to enter each one separately in order to win.

Details at soldiersystems.net/the-12-days-of-tactical-christmas.

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196 Responses to “12 Days of Tactical Christmas – Day #8”

  1. Packtray says:

    Use it.

  2. Rob says:

    FR – Yes, I really don’t know when I may combust.

  3. Mike says:

    Not at the moment. Will be this spring.

  4. Ryan says:


  5. R. Matthew says:

    We are required to

  6. Kango says:

    I use FR gloves and thats it. But I am very unlikely to face situations that would require FR clothing.

  7. Austin says:

    Use it

  8. Dave says:


  9. ross says:

    no i dont but this would of come in handy last year when i had a bald spot burnt on to the side of my head from a blank fireing grenade :[

  10. Justin says:

    Yep, things have a way of getting warm in a hurry.

  11. David says:

    Absolutely FR if I can get it. Being SWAT, you never know when someone will set the house on fire. Bangs have a nasty way of doing that too.

  12. Matt says:

    CONUS with fortunately so far a low threat for the need of FR, but the need for it is coming so I’ve started looking for more FR stuff.

  13. travis says:

    Use it

  14. Paul says:

    No. I’m a civvie so there’s not need to :P.

  15. Austin says:

    Use it for work.

  16. Ben says:

    Nope. Ninjas can’t catch you if you’re on fire.

  17. Myer says:

    No. My uniform issue predates FR

  18. Zach says:

    perfect for when its snowing at the range

  19. JD says:

    I use it

  20. CJ says:

    Use FR base layers, unfortunately AF is still skimpy in FR uniform issue unless you’re a flyer or AFSOC.

  21. Nick says:

    I use it for work as much as possible. Better safe than sorry…

  22. Only around fires!

  23. Carl says:

    When it’s available yes.

  24. Shane says:

    I’m a civvie too, so no.

  25. James says:

    FROG is so much better than the MCCUUs I’ll take it any day. And everything when I go anywhere is FR. At least for the next few months lol

  26. William says:

    Only when required for work, and currently thats rare.

  27. Mike K says:

    FR balaclava and gloves all the time.

  28. Mitch says:

    Don’t need where I am. : )

  29. Derek says:

    Sometimes, overseas on mission yes but on the base ,no. I do use nomex gloves here CONUS while in the field.

  30. Kyle says:

    No, I never really have the need to.

  31. Mark says:


  32. Kim says:

    It’s what all the cool kids are doing.

  33. Tim Ellwood says:

    No, I hope I don’t need it, i try not to ride in Chevy Volt’s

  34. Holger says:

    Don’t use FR, because I`m a civilian. A FR beanie would be cool for the campfire though!

  35. Christopher Allison says:

    I wear FR clothes every day at my job at the Fire Department. This beanie would be awesome!

  36. Pat says:

    only when the its not cold outside. not sure why everything has to be fr but my ecwcs

  37. Dana says:

    Used to, don’t really need them now.

  38. AE says:


  39. Travis says:

    I have been issued a ton of FR.

  40. FastBlade17 says:

    Use it while deployed.

  41. Brian says:

    Absolutely, you never know

  42. texasvmi says:

    Once it became available for issue, I don’t leave the wire without it. Plus, now I check my Soldiers for FR during my PCCs.

  43. Alan says:

    Use it…

  44. Lew says:

    Use it. Seriously, vac-packing is for food.

  45. Ryan says:

    Absolutely use it. Going downrange without FR is no different than going downrange without body armor. It’s another way to ensure that if SHTF, you have a better chance of pushing through.

  46. Matt S. says:

    FR gloves..otherwise no

  47. John says:

    Use it.

  48. Sean Aber says:

    Yes I use it during tactical training and missions

  49. Paul says:

    Use it.

  50. rodney Flowers says:

    I would.