GORE-Tex Professional

S.O.Tech Releases Expanding SERE Pack Redux

I remember when the original Expanding SERE Pack was added to the S.O.Tech line way back in in 2001. S.O.Tech has updated the ESB a few times over the years and now they’ve changed the material for a new version available for pre-order.


The PALS-compatible Expanding SERE pack was designed by a SERE instructor to provide a simple pouch for survival kit and medical kit that can expand to a day pack size during evasion to carry foraged items (edible plants, road kill, firewood, etc). But, with the advent of Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE) raids, this pouch gained an additional mission. The pocket is great for SSE kit items like rubber gloves and marking tags while the pack provides a comfortable way to transport evidence back to base camp. And, troops on R&R found a third use as a travel pouch which can slide over a belt to hold a camera, phone and passport but can expand to transport souvenirs and food bought in the local market.

Product Specs:
Weight – 12oz
Water Resistant
Material – 200D Theta (MultiCam)
Warranty – Lifetime



5 Responses to “S.O.Tech Releases Expanding SERE Pack Redux”

  1. james says:

    well done… nice kit! look really well built

  2. Desert Lizard says:

    Cool kit.

  3. BradKAF308 says:

    Nice I can it getting a lot of use. I’ve been planning a product with a different mission but somewhat similar design, very cool. 2 points. All nylon types are water resistant brand new this is a little redundant when showing a new product. And. “way back in in 2001” How old are you trying to make me feel? Back in 2001 would have sufficed, lol.

  4. Andrew says:

    Really diggin the look of this, SoTech has been stepping up their game…

  5. Ryan says:

    This in combination with Moly Stix would be a slick rig.