B5 Systems

Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

Some PMAG 40 AR/M4 GEN M3 Set Aside For Colorado

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

In order to beat the July 1st deadline for ownership in Colorado, a small portion of the first batch of recently released PMAG 40s will be available from the Boulder Airlift Program for direct sale to CO residents, regardless of previous orders. Limit 2 per customer for direct sales.


CO Residents order Here: store.magpul.com/product/MAG233-BLK

CO Residents not already registered can sign up for the Airlift here: www.magpul.com/colorado

Magpul Introduces Limited Edition ‘Colorado’ PMAGs

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

With the upcoming ban on standard-capacity magazines in Magpul’s home state of Colorado and the seemingly never-ending assault on freedoms nationwide, they are releasing a short-run quantity of limited edition PMAGs. Proceeds from the sales of these PMAGs will go towards the legal battle against recent unconstitutional firearms legislation in Colorado and other firearms rights efforts nationwide in which Magpul is involved.

Identical in function to the GEN M2 MOE PMAG, these magazines feature the Magpul 10th Anniversary Logo on one side and either “Free Colorado” or “Boulder Airlift” on the other.


Now available direct from their online store while supplies last. Only available in packs of 5. See store pages for more details.

Free Colorado: store.magpul.com/product/MAG702/PMAG

Boulder Airlift: store.magpul.com/product/MAG703/PMAG

MM 2A Patch

Monday, May 20th, 2013

My friend Military Morons is a huge supporter of the Second Amendment so I am very pleased to let you know about this new morale patch he has introduced. It’s a simple straightforward design that was produced for MM by Mil-Spec Monkey. Portions of the proceeds raised through the sale of these patches will be donated to the NRA.


2A Patch Specs:

Size – 2″ wide x 1.5″ tall
Material – PVC/rubberized
Hook velcro sewn on back

Available only as a set of three different colours – Urban, Arid and Patriot
Urban – Khaki ‘2A’, medium grey border and dark grey background
Arid – Dark brown ‘2A’, light grey border and tan background
Patriot – Red, white and blue – needs no explanation

Read the whole story at www.militarymorons.com/equipment/2a. Purchase your set at EMDOM USA.

Huge News From McMillan Group International

Saturday, May 18th, 2013

When I hear that this company or that no longer wants to conduct commerce with the firearms industry I don’t freak out over it. Why? Because the market abhors a vacuum and things like this come out of it to fix the issue. This is great news because, rather than someone who is just in it for the money, an option for transactions run by someone who cares about our industry will be available. The less, “they” make money off of us, the less “they” can use it against us.

From Kelly McMillan;

Since the issue with BofA over a year ago, I have been working on a project to support businesses in the firearms industry. I am not quite where i wanted to be when announcing this project but it has been brought to my attention that there has been another corporate decision by a financial company to try and adversely effect our industry. Because I have been in the firearms industry for 40 years, and have been successful, I wanted to do something that would allow me to give back to the industry.

ATTENTION everyone using Quick Books for your accounting and using Intuit to process your credit card transaction. Just yesterday a close friend in the firearms industry was given notice that Intuit would no longer process their credit card transactions and they had one day to find another provider. I think we should assume that if they have any indication you do firearms transactions, they will cancel your services as well.

It was coincidence that I found out about this particular issue when I was in my friends office to tell him that I am starting a new business. After talking to thousands of people and hearing hundreds of stories about businesses in the firearms industry being denied financial services because of the industry we are in, it became clear to me that there is a real need to start developing a firearms industry supportive financial network. One of the most difficult services for us to get is merchant services. I have heard literally hundreds of stories about businesses being denied credit card processing because they company refused to handle firearms transactions.

So, though it is a little premature because I have a few things left to secure before I can proceed full speed ahead, it want to let everyone know I am developing a merchant services company that is partnered with a bank that is 100% behind our industry, and at services gateway company that shares our commitment. This is what I can promise every business owner out there,

” I will provide you with merchant services at the very lowest price possible, will stand behind you and you business every step. Our partner bank and gateway provider will support all of our industry businesses and you won’t have any fear that someday down the road you will get that call telling you your merchant account has been cancelled.”

The main reason for doing this is to provide the industry a service that they can count on, but we are confident that we can also save everyone money while doing it. We also plan to donate a percentage of our profits to firearms industry supportive organizations like the NRA, NSSF, SCI or other non-profit organizations.

Please pass the word. If you are in need immediately, we will work to get you set up asap. If you have service and want us to contact you when we are ready (1-2 months) you can message me with details.

McMillan Group can be messages through Facebook.


Breaking – Magpul Still Moving Despite Colorado Sheriff Lawsuit

Friday, May 17th, 2013

Although Colorado Sheriffs Against Gun Control are introducing a lawsuit to challenge the state’s recent rash of restrictive firearms legislation, Magpul remains committed to leaving the state. Even if the laws are overturned.

Magpul released to following statement:

Just to clarify, we are still moving, regardless of the outcome of this legal action. That train has left the station, and we are well into the selection and negotiation process as well as arranging many elements to be prepared to launch and already moving some production out of state.

This lawsuit, however, could have national implications. If this suit can get a mag ban struck down as unconstitutional, the nation may see a ripple effect across other states who choose not to trust their Citizens with their natural rights. That makes this fight worth fighting even more than just the implications for CO, which would have been enough to get us involved.

Stay tuned for more information on how to help this effort, for CO and for all states that currently have unconstitutional magazine restrictions.

Magpul has also announced that they will join in the law suit.


Denver, Colorado – May 17th, 2013 – Magpul Industries, an Erie, Colorado, based manufacturer of firearms accessories, announced today that it has joined 53 Colorado County Sheriffs and other plaintiffs in filing a lawsuit this morning to invalidate gun control measures recently passed by the Colorado legislature and enacted by Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper.

The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court and establishes that Colorado House Bill 1224 (magazine restrictions) and House Bill 1229 (universal background checks) violate the constitutional rights of lawful gun owners located in Colorado.

Duane Liptak, Director of Product Management and Marketing for Magpul Industries, said that these gun control laws do nothing other than restrict the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves and Magpul is committed to invalidating these infringements:

“Colorado’s recently passed gun control laws are a direct assault on the constitutional rights of the responsible people who live in and visit this great state. These laws will do nothing to enhance public safety and only place unreasonable limitations on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves. While Magpul is currently in the process of moving its operations out of Colorado, we will not turn our back on our native state. Extreme gun control interests have forced the passage of these unconstitutional laws in Colorado, and as a company, we are resolved to restore those rights to the people.”

Magpul’s outside legal counsel, Jon Anderson, of Holland & Hart LLP, said that the Colorado gun control bills are unconstitutional and so poorly drafted that the new laws would be enforced in an inconsistent manner:

“Colorado’s gun control laws are in direct conflict with the U.S. Constitution. In addition, these bills were so poorly drafted that no one agrees on the scope of the government regulation. If teams of lawyers cannot agree on what these bills prohibit, how can we expect citizens to abide by these laws and how can we rely on law enforcement to implement these laws in a consistent manner?”

Magpul will continue to support productive efforts to FREE COLORADO from government regulations that imperil the rights of law abiding firearm owners.

Dick Kramer’s Latest NRA Print

Saturday, May 11th, 2013



Remington Responds To Criticism Over Remaining in New York

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

Remington has been catching hell for their decision to keep their manufacturing in New York after that state passed the “SAFE Act” that is some of the most restrictive firearms legislation in America. There’s another issue that they don’t address in this statement. Their owners want to sell them but it will cost some cash to move. Conversely, anyone who buys them will probably want to move them so their current location isn’t exactly a selling point. It’s damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

To our Remington fans,

We believe the NY SAFE Act is unconstitutional and was passed in a questionable fashion.

Remington and its employees worked diligently with pro-gun legislators to prevent the Act’s passage. We actively participated in the Albany rallies and drove the letter-writing campaign to stop this anti-gun legislation.

The recently awarded Department of Defense (Special Operations Command) contract, questioned by some as a “pay-off,” has been in development for years — it has nothing to do with NY State.

While we are unhappy with the misguided acts of our elected politicians, Remington will not run or abandon its loyal and hard working 1,300 employees without considerable thought and deliberation. Laws can be overturned and politicians voted out of office, but the decisions we make today will affect our people, their families and entire communities for generations.

Please bear with us as we determine the most appropriate way to satisfy our customers and protect our employees.

TNVC Supporting Our Second Amendment Rights

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

We received this note from our great friends at TNVC who were at last weekend’s NRA Annual Meeting in Houston. Even though they are a night vision company, they understand how important our fundamental right to keep and bear arms is to America.


As some of you were aware, we were down in Houston Texas attending the NRA show were over 70,000 showed up to show their support. An amazing show to say the least and we were honored to have NRA Executive Director Chris Cox stop by and talk about night vision. Kyle (our Director of Govy/Mil) is seen below explaining the finer points with some of our NV Gear.

Kyle also mentioned Gov. Perry showed up briefly and poked his head between the crowd to look at some gear. We wanted to talk with him, but the booth was incredibly crowded at that time.

We here at TNVC are extremely Pro-Gun and obviously have deep rooted beliefs in the 2nd Amendment. So you all know, each and every employee here at TNVC are also Lifetime Members of the NRA. We’re proud to support our constitutional rights and we hope each and every one of you are engaged in strong support.

Vic Di Cosola