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Archive for the ‘Camo’ Category

Father-Son Team Demonstrates Simple Optical Cloaking of Large Objects

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

The hell with the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort. They’ve spent millions of dollars and taken years to field nothing. On the other hand this father and son team at the University of Rochester have successfully cloaked a kid!

John Howell, a Professor of Physics at the University of Rochester and his 14-year-old son Benjamin conducted this feat with off-the-shelf items.

Learn more by reading their paper.

Thanks CC!

Guy Cramer Answer The Question “Why US4CES?”

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

In Part 4 of his ongoing look at modern camouflage and specifically how it all fits into the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort, Guy Cramer explains why his pattern (in concert with ADS Inc), US4CES is the answer.


One thing I was fascinated with was the bit on US4CES-Alpha and Delta. I had forgotten all about the Delta variant and that it had featured colors that flowed from one into the other. Conventional wisdom seemed to favor that method, but it didn’t perform as well as the hard lines.

There’s a lot of science in this article but Guy does a good job of breaking it down for you. Additionally, he offers lots of comparison photos. Even if you aren’t a fan of US4CES, this is a MUST read!


Which Family of Camo Patterns Should The US Army Choose?

Monday, June 10th, 2013

Way back in April 0f 2011 we ran a rather unconventional Camo Design Contest prior to the kickoff of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort. During the ensuing two years the Army has downselected to four commercial families of patterns and tested the heck out of them. Since the Secretary of the Army is supposed to announce their selection this Friday in celebration of the Army’s birthday, we thought it would be fun to poll our readers on which pattern they want the Army to choose. This unscientific poll will remain open until Wed evening at 2359Z so that we can announce the winner on Thursday morning, just in case it might sway the Army’s decision. Feel free to vote for your favorite and tell your friends.

Which Family of Camoflauge Patterns Should the US Army Choose?
pollcode.com free polls 


UF PRO Striker Battle Dress System in PenCott GreenZone

Sunday, June 9th, 2013

UF PRO makes clothing for the Slovenian Army, Customs Service, Prison Service, and Police. Their Sniper System is in use with several law enforcement SWAT / SEK units in Europe, and their Striker Battle Dress System is also in use by Slovenian special forces.

Unveiled at IWA 2013 in March, the Striker Battle Dress System from UF PRO is now available in PenCott-GreenZone camouflage. These are 100% made in Europe to a very high standard of quality, and from the best US and European made materials on the market.

Combat Jacket

The Combat Jacket kind of reminds me of a smock but with a slimmer fit. All pockets are closed with zippers instead of Velcro and the jacket also features inner compartments for safe storage of smaller equipment. It also incorporates side vents.

One cool feature is the UF PRO® air/pac inserts in the shoulder area along with slots for D30 elbow pads.

Combat Pants

Striker Combat Pants are designed for all season wear and feature pockets with closed with zippers instead of Velcro to reduce noise. Additionally, the pants can also be fitted with D30 knee protectors for reactive impact protection. Loops in the upper leg allow the pre-placement of a tourniquet for high-risk missions. In addition to stretch panels for mobility and comfort, the pants can also be fitted with an optional WINDSTOPPER lining that provides comfort in temperatures ranging down to -5°C.

In addition to what you see here, look for the Combat Shirts to be available after the 15th. The full range consists of a combat shirt, combat pants, combat jacket, rain suit and softshell jacket. Additionally, UF PRO will offer their Boonie Hats in PenCott. If that isn’t enough, they will also be donating some sets of the Striker Battle Dress System in BadLands to the Silent Heroes Foundation Special Interdiction Unit fighting rhino poaching in South Africa which I think is a great cause.

The UF PRO Striker Battle Dress System Combat Jacket and Combat Pants can be ordered directly through ufpro.si.

I Spy Something With My Little Eye…

Sunday, June 9th, 2013


Kryptek Hats Now Available From Slangvel

Sunday, June 9th, 2013

M43s in three Kryptek patterns

Slangvel has his line of M43 and Recce hats now available in Highlander, Nomad, and Mandrake Kryptek patterns on his eBay store. Additionally, he’s started production on patrol caps, examples shown above, which will be available soon.


The Camouflage Bubble – Will It Burst?

Friday, June 7th, 2013

Over the past 100 years thousands upon thousands of camouflage patterns have been developed and issued to various military, paramilitary, law enforcement and other groups around the world.


But, ever since the United States Marine Corps began fielding MARPAT in 2003, kicking off the US military camo wars, commercially produced patterns have been all the rage. Adding fuel to this explosive growth has been a multi-front war with troops looking for a better mouse trap as well as the US Army’s Camouflage Improvement Effort that looked to industry to fulfill their concealment needs into the 21st century.


It’s a bubble all right and we Americans love bubbles. Name an industry that hasn’t had one. Shoot, there wasn’t even a camouflage industry until about 10 years ago and it grew itself right into a bubble. The question is, if and when it will burst.

Between the Army’s upcoming announcement of a new family of camouflage and Congressional interest in forcing all of the US services to adopt the same pattern(s) an argument could be made that the market for camouflage is getting ready to stovepipe.

But I would make the opposite argument. The genie is out of the bottle. Aside from patterns that perform very well in virtually any environment imaginable as well as some really cool looking patterns, the age of the digital printer is upon us. Companies like HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp offer their Ghostex and Deceptex custom camouflage print on demand services. Additionally, Special Ops Apps offer a mobile device app called CamoScience that allow you to design you own camouflage for the environment you are in and can print the new pattern on demand.

In addition to the availability of these custom solutions, military, law enforcement and even tactical and outdoor enthusiasts offer a sophisticated consumer base that demands performance. And that’s not to mention the consumer market that wears camouflage just because it can.

Will the camo bubble burst? Not anytime soon.

The Full Text Of The Enyart Amendment

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

This is the full text of what I will from here on out refer to as the Enyart Amendment to the House version of the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (HR 1960). The original idea and hence the name of the amendment comes from Rep William Enyart (D-IL) who happens to also be a Retired Major General and former State Adjutant General of the Illinois Army National Guard.

The “Requirement to Establish Policy on Joint Combat Uniforms” passed yesterday 32-30 in a session of the House Armed Services Committee. As I am told the waiver for SOCOM was added after opposition to a blanket requirement for all of DoD to adopt the same uniform. Additionally, you will note that the 2010 legislation regarding joint combat uniforms will be repealed by this act. As I have read multiple accounts of what it says or doesn’t say I felt it best to offer the actual language.

Enyart Amendment to the 2014 NDAA (HR 1960) by solsys

And as I published earlier today, this is still far from law.

First off, for those of you unfamiliar with the legislative process, this is just the first hurdle and it’s still quite a way from becoming law. It’s not as bad as I had feared but I’m concerned it still ham strings the individual services. Below is a simplified version of what still has to happen.

In order to become the law of the land, it must first pass a vote in the full House of Representatives. Then, the Senate will vote on their version of the NDAA which may or may not include similar language. Either way, the two versions of the NDAA will most assuredly contain differences which will have to be hammered out in Conference Committee made up of members of both chambers of Congress. Once those differences are worked out, a conference report detailing what is in the final legislation is voted on by both the Senate and House of Representatives. After approval, it goes to the President to be signed. Barring a veto it becomes law. At any point in this process expect the services to weigh in.

This is by no means a quick process. The NDAA will become law some time after the Army’s anticipated June 14th announcement of a new family of camouflage patterns.

I still feel that it isn’t the job of Congress to dictate to the Services which uniforms to wear but I understand the frustration felt by many (although those that yell the loudest are oftentimes unaffected by the issue). Ultimately, the individual Services have brought this oversight upon themselves by not complying with earlier legislation.