
Archive for the ‘Morale’ Category

SOTech Mourns the Loss of Darrell Rolen

Saturday, September 15th, 2012

The SOTECH and VIPER / Veterans Industry Program for Employment Reintegration family mourn the tragic and sudden loss of one of their leaders and greatest inspirations, Darrell Rolen. After experiencing severe PTSD from surviving two shipboard fires, Darrell lived 20 years homeless on the streets of Los Angeles, including 5 years living under a bridge next to the Good Year blimp park and near the SOTech plant. While in treatment at the WLA VA hospital, Darrell joined the VIPER program while transitioning from the domiciliary to supported housing and finally showing his strength and vision Darrel achieved his own apartment and car. Not only did Darrell power through his own issues, but he led his fellow vets in the program and inspired them with his tremendous heart. Drawing from his leadership experience as a Navy Boatswain’s Mate, Darrel organized his team to contact California legislators to urge support for the single use plastic bag ban. Darrel was supremely honored to be one of three VIPER vets featured in a recent Los Angeles Times article. In tragic irony, Darrel was quoted in the article saying that his greatest fear while living under the bridge was dying unknown on the street. Darrel’s story was told – first in the Times, and then it was reprinted in Star and Stripes to his brothers. In his last week, Darrel’s face carried a glow of pride. VIPER’s director, Jim Cragg coordinated with Good Year who generously offered to fly Darrell and his team in the blimp above the area where he had lived on the street. On Friday of that week, Darrell proudly presented Jim a report on the legislative phone calls his team had completed when Jim told him of Good Year’s promise. Darrel couldn’t have been prouder, commenting on the wonder of having lived on that street and the chance to fly over it in the blimp. Not having a watch, Darrell said he had marked the beginning and end of his days by watching the blimp take off and later be secured. According to his team mates, Darrell with his new found self esteem intended to confront his abusive girlfriend. At some point between his conversation with Mr. Cragg and 2:45AM, Darrell Rolen was stabbed in the heart and his girlfriend was arrested on the scene by the LA County Sheriff’s Department. In a final testament to the great things that this once homeless man had done, Darrell spent his last month working at SOTECH assembling thousands of IED sensor harnesses that will measure the blast wave affects that cause Traumatic Brain Injury. These harnesses will not only help the thousands of soldiers going downrange wearing them, but the metrics analyzed from these devices will hopefully help treat the thousands of veterans out there who suffered from TBI from the last decade of war. Darrell will be buried in uniform this Saturday, contact SOTECH for details.

Hot Shots Badges

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

These badges were designed for use with the 2011 Hot Shots Calendar. Sales of the pinup calendar are used to raise funds for several US military charities as well as the UK’s Help for Heroes. Interest in these badge designs has been so great that Hot Shots plans to make them into morale patches and perhaps stickers. Look for them, as well as the launch of the 2013 calendar soon from

Gratuitously Stolen From The Observation Post

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Yeah, I took it, but it was too good not to.

That Rob Clark cuts a mean video!

Soldier Reenlists at Tactical Tailor

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

US Army SPC Zoila Del Rocio Pesantez from Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s 513 Transportation Company reenlisted today at the Tactical Tailor factory. It’s where her mother works and it’s quite fitting to see a company founded by Veterans like TT host such a ceremony.

Congrats Specialist Pesantez. I remember my first reenlistment. I’m very proud of you. Here’s to many more!

911 on 9/11 – The Target

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

This target contains 79 hits; one for each NSW member we have lost in operations or training since 9/11/01. They were placed there by a retired SEAL firing a custom Remington 700 fitted with a Leupold optic from 911 yards. The Shooter began firing this morning at 0846:30, the same time that Flight 11 struck World Trade Center North Tower (One) in 2001. Winds began to pick up on Academi’s Range 19 so the shooter pressed through in order to finish mid-day before even higher winds came late in the afternoon.


This is just phase I. Next, the target will be sent to artist Ellwood T Risk to be turned into a unique piece of art. He is known for incorporating targets into some very amazing stuff. Make sure you take a look at his site.

The entire project, coined, “911 on 9/11” commemorates NSW’s fallen operators and support personnel by creating unique art to raise money and awareness for Warrior Wear which provides specialized clothing for wounded who require prosthesis.

Once finished this piece will be auctioned off at the upcoming Hold ’em for Heroes poker run sponsored by Wounded Wear.

911 on 9/11

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012


It’s a calm cool morning at Range 19 on Moyock, North Carolina’s Academi Training Center. At 0846:30, a shot rings out. 911 yards from the commerative target, the M118 round is fired from a custom built Remington 700. It strikes home at the exact time Flight 11 hit the World Trade Center North Tower (One) in 2001. This time is significant for today’s purpose as it symbolizes the moment that America and by extension its NSW forces realized we were under attack and began to go to war.


In early August a retired SEAL friend approached me about a project he had under development. He envisioned an innovative fund raiser that would help turn 9/11 from a grief based day into a positive event to raise awareness and funds to support our Wounded Warriors. In particular, he wanted to support Wounded Wear which helps out our troops with prosthesis and other medical conditions that require specialized clothing.


The plan was to adapt elements of today’s date as well as the sacrifices of Naval Special Warfare personnel into the event. Over the course of the day our shooter will accomplish 79 shots on target, one for each NSW member lost in action or training since 9/11. He will fire the rounds from a custom built Remington 700 built by a SEAL Sniper. Each shot will be from 911 yards. The expended brass will be organized into bags with the name of the NSW individual that the scoring impact was fired for and be presented to the relatives of the fallen. The name of fallen warrior that the shot commemorates will be annotated on the target beside the hit.

Once the firing is completed later today, the target will be sent to artist Ellwood T Risk to be turned into a unique piece of art. He is known for incorporating targets into some very amazing stuff. The Original will be auctioned off at the upcoming Hold ’em for Heroes poker run sponsored by Wounded Wear in order to raise money for that cause.

Look for additional details here on SSD about the original art, the auction, and the Hold ’em for Heroes Poker Run.

Never Forget

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

Each year, September 11th gets harder for me. I remember that day in 2001 like it was yesterday. As it unfolded I was too busy to grieve and too naive to realize how much the toll would eventually be. Later, as the years went by I continued to serve and after my retirement, the date began to mean more to me. Now, 11 years on, 9/11 holds a very deep meaning for me. I’m no longer serving, but one of my children is.

Many of you serve, or have served. And many have family members currently in the fight. Thank you all. As a fellow Veteran I salute you and as a citizen I give you my deepest thanks, and my unwavering commitment.

And finally, many of us have lost loved ones in this conflict. I grieve for your loss. Never forget the fallen. Remember Them, Honor Them. Not just today, but everyday.

Sons of Liberty – Boston Massacre Mens T-Shirt

Monday, September 10th, 2012

I’m a huge fan of the American Revolution and the Boston Massacre is one of the most pivotal of events that led to that conflict. Sons of Liberty commemorates that day with their Boston Massacre Men’s T-Shirt.

Available in Small – 3XLarge.