If you follow the SolSys Instagram account, you know how much I love SciFi. While I prefer the book over the movie, who doesn’t enjoy “Starship Troopers”?
Fellow travelers may want to pick up this new “Rough Necks” T-shirt from Zulu Foxtrot.
If you follow the SolSys Instagram account, you know how much I love SciFi. While I prefer the book over the movie, who doesn’t enjoy “Starship Troopers”?
Fellow travelers may want to pick up this new “Rough Necks” T-shirt from Zulu Foxtrot.
This T-shirt immortalizes the infamous Pink Bunny Of Death.
This limited run 3D patch from Kitfox depicts the TacSol Backpacker and launches this evening at 1800 MDT.
This shirt is the M203 BLANK FIRING ATTACHMENT/ADAPTER shirt from Drunk Panda Clothing. Founder Jason a Mann, sends this note, “When I was a newly pinned PFC and had new privates in the unit right before we went to the field we had to draw weapons well PVT XX had a 203 attached so during packing I asked him where his BFA for his 203 was and I got the dumbest look and mentioned he could not go to the field without one. I had this PVT running all over and to the arms room looking for this adapter that didn’t exist and hilarity ensued from the arms room down to the platoon.”
It’s pretty straight forward. It’s a PVC morale patch, depicting a kitted out Crye Precision AirFrame Helmet. Offered in two colors.
Everyone is talking about the proposed US Space Force, but it seems like no one is thinking about it. That is, except the guy on this t-shirt.
BE Meyers & Co prepared this excellent dedication to America’s fledging Space Force. If you follow our Instagram feed, you’ll know why we love this.
BE Meyers & Co promises that anyone who can name all of the clips in this video will win two passes to the holodeck.
Unless you’ve lived under a rock, you’ve heard of America’s former arch-nemesis Osama bin Laden. You’ve also likely heard of Mystery, Incorporated, the stars of ‘Scooby Doo’ who gained fame via a half-century of solving mysteries in their groovy mini-van.
When the team unmasked whatever evildoer was causing mayhem, said villain always exclaimed, “and I would have…”
30 Seconds Out commemorates one of the greatest operations in US military history, by reminding us of those meddling kids.
Get yours at www.thirtysecondsout.com/products/morale-patch-meddling-kids.