
Archive for the ‘Morale’ Category

Who Had One Of These?

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

Veterans Day – What It Means To Me

Monday, November 11th, 2013

For over 12 years, I have celebrated Veterans Day alongside my fellow active-duty servicemen and women. However, for the first time in 12 years, this Veterans day is different. A year ago, I made the decision to resign my commission and leave active-duty to be closer to my children. On this Veterans Day weekend, I make my final drive back to where I was raised and I will start a new chapter in my life. This Veteran’s Day, I go from one who serves, to one who served.


Veterans Day has many meanings and as diverse as our Nation is, those meanings are countless. But to those who served, or served, and wore the cloth of our Nation, the day has special significance whether acknowledged or not. This is a day about recognizing commitment, sacrifice, and willingness of those who served to be a part of something larger than themselves. It is about raising their hands and taking an oath to support and defend our Constitution, thereby consciously choosing a path they may not always have complete control over. It is about faith, allegiance, and loyalty for those who defend the concepts and principles our Nation is built upon. However, today is not only about those who served, it is also about those who continue to serve and deploy taking the fight to our enemies time and time again. Veteran’s day is about those that volunteered to do what all cannot, or will not, and recognizing their courage and sacrifice.


Even though my journey home this weekend is somewhat bittersweet and emotional, I can easily look back at the memories from a few days ago when I drove off the compound I called home for years, to the day I received my commission, and even further back to the day I raised my hand to enlist. I can cherish those memories, the lessons learned along the way, and the friendships I have forged. Even though this Veteran’s Day is different than all the others I have experienced in my adult life, I am going to do what I have done for so many years. I am going to recognize those who served before me, those who served alongside of me, and those who will continue to sacrifice and take the fight to our enemies. To each of them, I am eternally grateful for their willingness to defend the freedoms we so casually enjoy.

AV is a Veteran of the US Navy.

Are You a BAMF?

Sunday, November 10th, 2013


If you’re a BAMF then this morale patch featuring a jaunty moustache from Tactical Gentlemen is just the thing. It comes in Black White and Grey and measures 2.00″ x 1.75″.

Magpul Calendar Shoot 2014

Saturday, November 9th, 2013

From our friends at Magpul.

For this year´s calendar, we opened up the armory and hired the best in the fashion industry to push the boundaries a bit of what is expected for a Magpul Calendar.

To be honest we weren’t too sure how it was going to turn out, but as the photo shoot progressed we started to realize that this calendar was something special.

The guns looked good and the girls looked great, but there was a sophistication to the photography that had broad appeal beyond the regular “girls with guns” calendars we had done in the past.

From a gritty warehouse shot in a shady part of town with the Ronin Motorcycle to an ultra modern house with backlit plastic walls, all the photographs were shot on location. No studio shots with added backgrounds were used in this Calendar.

Even the cover photo, our model wearing a designer dress while holding a vintage 1921 Colt Thompson sub machine gun, actually walked down a closed off downtown Dallas street to get the shot.

The result is a calendar with some unexpected visual and artistic elements exhibiting the Magpul touch, presented in a package with broad appeal with timeless iconic photography.

Part Art, Part Calendar, All Magpul.

2014 Magpul (12 Month) Calendar preorders will start shipping Nov 14, 2013

This year a portion of the proceeds from the calendar will go to the USMC Reconnaissance Foundation. The foundation provides assistance to wounded Reconnaissance Marines and Marine Reconnaissance families. Last year´s calendar raised over $20,000 for charity. Magpul hopes to far exceed that amount this year.

A Friendly Reminder From Noveske

Thursday, November 7th, 2013


50,000 Boy Scouts March On New York

Sunday, November 3rd, 2013

That’s 50,000 Boy Scouts at the 1939 World’s Fair. As many of you know I am a Scout leader. I love to find bits of Scouting history and share them with my readers. I know of no better leadership program for America’s youth than the Scouting program.

This is a rare, color movie of Troop One, Flushing, New York, at the 1939 World’s Fair, escorting “Uncle Dan” Beard. Beard, ever the showman, was wearing an all-white Scout uniform with his National Scout Commissioner insignia. Ernest Martin, an early Scout professional, is with Uncle Dan. Other figures appearing in this clip are Dr. James E. West, Chief Scout Executive and J. Edgar Hoover, Chief of the F.B.I.

The Ultimate List of Touchy Subjects (Tactical Category)

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

This is the list of touchy subjects that will get the readership worked up with nostrils flaring and turn grown men into so many yapping dogs as doctrine become dogma.

1. Camouflage
2. Weapons Lube
3. Gloves
4. Gun Bunnies
5. Slings
6. Belts
7. Knives
8. Anything dealing with the Marine Corps
9. The terms “Operator” and “Tactical”
10. Calibers

Got any more?

Til Valhall

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

If that doesn’t get your blood pumping, you’d better check your pulse.