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Archive for the ‘Tac Apps’ Category

Tactical NAV HD For iPad

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013


AppDaddy Technologies’ Tactical NAV HD is a military-quality GPS tactical navigation system, built from the ground up for the iPad. It features a 1:50,000 map scale overlay, with live map annotations, drawing and distance calculation, and fully editable waypoint plotting functionality. The app utilizes MGRS, BNG, UTM, LAT/LONG, and USNG coordinates. It also features a one-button night mode function which allows for easier viewing in the dark.

TacApps – TACNAV Now Available For Android

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Jonathon Springer, creator of the popular Tactical NAV app informed me that it is now available for Android. Look for it on Google Play.


-Military quality GPS tactical navigation system
-WGS 84 standard
-1:50,000 map scale overlay (1km by 1km gridsquares)
-Waypoint plotting functionality
-Fully editable waypoints
-Location and waypoint sharing via email with other users
-Compass lock function with fast user switching between degrees, Mils, elevation, latitude/ longitude, and MGRS coordinate data
-Camera mode with heads-up data displayed in real-time with photo stamping ability
-One-button night mode function
-“Go to Grid” option

20130917-221059.jpg or

TacApps – Cop Slang App

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

Cop Slang

Thought some of our LE readers might be interested.

TacApps – Theodolite Nav App Adds Geo Datum Pack

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

We’re big fans of the multi-function augmented reality nav app Theodolite. The developer, Hunter Research and Technology has announced that they’ve added a new World Geodetic Datum Pack option. This brings over 220 new datums to the app, covering countries and regions on all continents around the world. The new feature is targeted at professional, military, search and rescue, and outdoors users who need more accuracy from the GPS hardware on their iOS devices, or who want to work with specialized coordinate systems and grids.


Here is the full press release –

Williamsburg, Virginia – Hunter Research and Technology is pleased to announce that the popular multi-function augmented reality nav app Theodolite has added a new World Geodetic Datum Pack option. Theodolite works as a compass, GPS, map, zoom camera, rangefinder, tracker, and two-axis inclinometer. The app set a new standard for augmented reality navigation apps when it debuted in 2009, and has been the #1 selling navigation app in iTunes stores around the world. Theodolite overlays real-time information about position, altitude, bearing, range, and horizontal/ vertical inclination on the live camera image of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, turning the device into a sophisticated electronic viewfinder. Uses are endless, and Theodolite is great for outdoor sports, hiking, boating, hunting, golf, sightseeing, photography, and navigation. The app is used in the field every day by surveyors, geologists, architects, engineers, military personnel, competitive sportsmen, and search and rescue workers.

Theodolite lets users take geo-tagged and geo-stamped camera images, screenshots, movies, and screen movies directly from the app. Users can choose to watermark geographical data and custom notes directly on photos and movies for later reference. The app also includes features for serious users like a navigation calculator, map with live markers, data logging, e-mail export with KML data, system-wide clipboard integration, percent grade display, mil compass readout, optical rangefinders (including a mil-based reticle and sniper-style stadiametric graphs),
colored lens filters to improve use in dark conditions and preserve night vision, and team tracking. Theodolite supports military grid reference system (MGRS) coordinates, universal transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates, British/Irish National grid, and six latitude/longitude formats.

The new World Geodetic Datum Pack, available as an optional in-app purchase, adds over 220 new geodetic datums to the app for more accurate position and altitude computation from GPS data. Datums include NAD-27, NAD-83, OSGB-36, ED-50, and hundreds of others, covering regions and countries on all continents around the world. The new feature is targeted at professional, military, search and rescue, and outdoors users who need more accuracy from the GPS hardware on their iOS devices, or who want to work with specialized coordinate systems and grids in regions of operation all around the world.

Device requirements:
* iPhone or iPod touch (Theodolite)
* Camera-equipped iPad or iPad Mini (Theodolite HD)
* iOS 4.3 or later

Pricing and Availability:
Theodolite and Theodolite HD are available on the iTunes App Store in the Navigation category for a winter sale price of $3.99 USD. The World Geodetic Datum Pack is available as an optional in-app purchase for $2.99 USD. More information, including screenshots, is available on the Hunter Research and Technology website. Media professionals interested in reviewing Theodolite can request a promotional code to download the apps from iTunes at no cost.

Theodolite 3.2 (iPhone and iPod Touch)
Theodolite HD 3.2 (iPad and iPad Mini)
Purchase and Download Theodolite (iPhone and iPod Touch)
Purchase and Download Theodolite HD (iPad and iPad Mini)

Tac Apps – Suunto Releases Apps for Ambit GPS Watch

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

With Suunto‘s 2.0 firmware update to its Ambit GPS watch, users can use a web-based interface in the Suunto App Zone to develop their own apps. In addition to creating their own from scratch users can also search for apps created byothers and even tweak them for further customization.

However, I feel that the term “App” is a bit of a reach. They are really more like widgets in that they are pretty rudimentary, but once again, you get some personalization here. Even then, there’s one more thing you’ll want to know. You can only install one at a time. You’ll just need to make sure it’s the right one for what you have going on.

Here’s one just for fun to give you an idea of what’s going on. The “Beers burned off” app calculates how many beers can you safely take after the training without weight gain.

For a full list of currently available Apps go to the Suunto App Zone in the Get Stuff section on

Tac Apps – 5.11 Tactical Has an iPhone App

Monday, October 22nd, 2012

Whodathunkit, but 5.11 Tactical has an iPhone App. It offers several features including the ability to find a 5.11 Tactical dealer near you, scan QR codes, shop 5.11 products, watch 5.11 videos or use an integrated flashlight feature.


Considering it’s free, it’s definitely worth checking out.

TacApps – Theodolite

Monday, August 20th, 2012

A Theodolite is an instrument used by surveyors to measure angles in the horizontal and vertical plane. Hunter Research and Technology has developed an app that brings the functionality of the theodolite to the iPhone. It is an augmented reality nav app works as a compass, GPS, map, zoom camera, rangefinder, and two-axis inclinometer. It’s AR overlays real-time information about position, altitude, bearing, range, and horizontal/vertical inclination on the live camera image of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

In our community, Theodolite is frequently used for forward observation and advanced tactical navigation. Recently, they released version 3.0, adding geo-stamped movies and additional military rangefinder scopes.

HR Apps provides some in-depth info on Theodolite’s capabilities –

Theodolite lets users take geo-tagged camera images, screenshots, movies, and screen movies directly from the app, with 2X and 4X digital zoom options and fast buffered saves. Users can choose to stamp geographical data and custom notes directly on photos and movies for later reference.

Theodolite includes features for serious users like a zero reference angle mode, an A-B calculator for height, distance, heading, position, triangulation, and relative angles, data logging, e-mail export with KML data, system-wide clipboard integration, percent grade display, mil compass readout, optical rangefinders (including a mil-based reticle and sniper-style stadiametric graphs), colored lens filters to improve use in dark conditions and preserve night vision, military grid reference system (MGRS) coordinates, universal transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates, and six latitude/longitude formats.

Theodolite lets users manage custom markers on the built in map with standard, satellite, and hybrid modes, compass rose, and bearings. Users can share map markers and A-B points with other users of Theodolite via SMS text messages and e-mail. This powerful capability opens up a wide range of collaborative uses which include team land surveying, accident investigations, spotting of wild fires, triangulation of landmarks, and advanced tactical observation and targeting operations.

Theodolite 3.0 introduces a new movie recording feature, with optional screen/watermark overlays and multiple video quality settings. Version 3.0 also includes three large-format sniper-style stadiametric rangefinders showing distance multipliers, yards, or meters, revised position formats with a new decimal minutes option, and color options for photo/movie data stamp watermarks. or to purchase on iTunes.

TacApps – Tactical NAV News

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

We’re big fans of the home brewed Tactical NAV app and its creator Jonathon Springer so we’re quite pleased to bring you some news. If anyone has ever earned the title TacHacker, it’s this guy.

First off, the makers of Tactical NAV recently released “Compass NAV” for Android a couple of weeks ago. Basically it’s just the compass function of TACNAV and it’s priced at .99 cents.

Tactical NAV is also in the midst of an update that will include –

– Separate iPad and Android versions … plus a new iPhone version (free update for existing users)
– Troop tracking (all users on all systems — iPhone, iPad, Android will be able to see each other on the battlefield along with MMS/SMS messaging capabilities between each other, etc)
– A realtime “FreeDraw” – a sandtable-like capability that will act very similar to BFT and CPOF
– iCloud integration
– Facebook integration
– Ability to record video with geolocation-data updated in realtime for playback later
– Voice annotating function
– UTM addition
– “Go to Grid” will be able to work with MGRS, LAT/LONG, and UTM

Here are some screenshots of Tactical NAV running on iPad.

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