SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Archive for the ‘Training’ Category

Welcome Back – Oh CBRNE, How We Missed You

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

Members of 3rd SFG(A) conduct decontamination training last week at Ft Bragg.


Vigilant Security Services – Weapon Manuals Available In Print And eBook Formats

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015


Vigilant Security Services is now offering Erik Lawrence’s line of Weapon Operation Guides in both eBook and print formats. Designed for Special Operation Teams, these guides cover the full background and function of a variety of foreign and issue weapon systems that might be used or encountered in the field. Roughly 30 guides are available now, with the list constantly updating.

M16 Assault Rifle Training Film (U.S. Air Force, 1967)

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

What Does Dom Raso Take To Work?

Sunday, March 8th, 2015

We often see the kit layouts for firearms trainers but it’s not often that we get to see what’s in the kitbag of a combatives instructor like former SEAL Dom Raso.

Crimson Trace Launches Training Video

Friday, March 6th, 2015

(Wilsonville, OR) — Crimson Trace, America’s premium brand of laser sighting systems for firearms, has released “Training with Laser Sights,” a free video for all firearms owners to use as a tool to learn about laser sights—and how to use lasers during any firearms training. The video can be viewed at:

PRACTICE with pistol

This educational video covers many benefits on the use of laser sights while providing specific details about how installing and using laser sights on a firearm can: increase muzzle direction awareness, aid with sight alignment, promote a proper sight picture plus improve trigger control. The detailed footage reveals that having laser sights installed on a firearm can make the shooter more accurate and confident by helping to improve the two most important shooting fundamentals: aiming and trigger control. Segments of the video reveal how a laser sight installed on a firearm increases safety.

Numerous firearms experts are featured in the video while they are shooting and training at Arizona’s Gunsight Academy. The experts discuss—plus shoot and show—the many advantages that laser sight systems provide when installed on a firearm. The informative video was created by Crimson Trace with support by the National Rifle Association’s Education and Training Division. The video is also designed to be a teaching aid in firearms courses.

“Training with Laser Sights” covers an issue that many concealed carry firearms owners seek to master—acquiring and maintaining a sight picture during low-light conditions. The free on-line video also helps viewers diagnose and improve their trigger control errors while working to improve firearm control and accuracy.

Corps Strength – Get Out In It

Saturday, February 28th, 2015

No doubt this has been a harsh winter, for snow and cold, one of the worst in many years. Now obviously the northern states, especially the northeast has taken the brunt of it, with cold weather records being broken almost daily. The fact is it’s been a cold year all over the country, even down here in the Florida Panhandle. Morning temps for the past few months here routinely have been in the low 30’s, and with the wind coming off the ocean, it’s pretty nippy. This is my favorite time to run, 0 dark thirty, cold as hell and windy. Just something about it motivates me and (after I get going) a great workout.

However if you listen to most people around here, the thought of doing anything out in the cold is equivalent to low crawling through broken glass. No way, not happening. The attitude is unless it’s perfect weather out, I’ll hit the gym. This speaks to something that I’ve noticed as a society in recent years, that we’ve kind of fallen into this “Goldilocks” syndrome, where everything has to be “just right.” It just seems that now-a-days many people seem hyper sensitive to outdoor weather and indoor temps also. My students here at the school house will complain in a hot second if the temp in the classroom is just a few degrees above or below ideal.

With that, it seems people are sick more than they used to be. Here at my work there is always something going around, someone is always coughing, or going to the doctor for something and then always returning with a big jar of meds. My own personal opinion on this is that people spend far too much time in climate controlled “bubbles.” Far fewer people work out of doors and much less recreation and sports are played outside also. Seems that life itself has moved indoors? We go from the AC in our home, to AC in our cars, to the AC in the office, etc. It seems that we can’t function in anything but this sterile environment. The same goes for gyms. Which not only have to be climate controlled, but also have more alcohol wipes and hand sanitizer than an Ebola crisis center? At times they seem more like a hospital than a gym. I think all of this has lead to a weakening of immune systems, both the physical and mental aspect of our ability to deal with anything less than perfect conditions. That is a issue, as the world isn’t always the perfect place.

As a counter to this I think we all spend enough time shining a chair with our ass and need to get outside as much as possible, and that especially goes for exercising. I have ran and done other workouts in extremes of both hot and cold, and if you prepare yourself properly (clothing, hydration, etc) you can have a great workout, IMO much better than indoors, both physically and attitude wise. So don’t let a little snow or cold scare you, “get out in it” when you can. Like your mom used to tell you, go outside and play. Its good for you. Take care and be safe.

Semper Fi

Corps Strength

New Courses from HSP for 2015

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015




26 STS Gets New Workout Facility

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

Samson Equipment did one heckuva job on this new workout facility for AFSOC’s newest Special Tactics Squadron. The new workout facility was built in an aircraft hangar and offers quite a robust capability.

Activated April 24th, 2014 at Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico, the 26th STS consists of personnel in the combat control, pararescue, tactical air control party and special operations weather careerfields as well as from 18 combat mission support Air Force Specialty Codes.