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Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

Rarely Am I Left Speechless

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Hey Noveske – The Finns Just Raised The Bar

Monday, November 17th, 2014

Blast From The Past – Who Had One of These?

Sunday, November 2nd, 2014

We’ve run this before but it was too cool to not share again. I never had one of these Entertech water guns is because I was already in the Army by the time they came out. But, if they had them now, I’d get the RPG.

12,000 Posts Alternate Banner

Thursday, October 9th, 2014


As you likely know, we recently hit 12,000 posts on SSD. We posted a brief announcement, and with the announcement a simple banner image. However, we originally planned to put this much more festive banner up instead.

So, go ahead and tell us: was the simple static white background banner enough, or would you have preferred the more festive option?

Apocalypse Pooh

Thursday, October 9th, 2014

Apocalypse Pooh is a merging of Winnie the Pooh and Apocalypse Now, created by Todd Graham. It casts Pooh and his various friends as characters from Apocalypse Now, radically changing the context of the original animation.

Thanks Jon!

Just Another Day At LBT

Friday, September 19th, 2014



What The Heck Is Going On With Blackhawk!’s Facebook Page?

Monday, August 18th, 2014

UPDATE: Not too long after this article was published, Blackhawk! regained control of their Facebook page and has issued the following statement:

Friends and Fans of BLACKHAWK!: earlier this week our page was hacked. We apologize for the inappropriate content that was posted to our page and may have appeared in your news feed. We have regained control now. Please know we’re working with Facebook to clean it up and take the necessary steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Thank you for your continued support. Please help us spread the word.

Blackhawk! WTF 1

For roughly the past 12 hours, the official Blackhawk! Facebook page has been posting nothing but pictures of women posing with guns and other unrelated links. If you go through their post history, you’ll find that the last legitimate post was August 5th, after which there’s a huge dead zone until today’s shenanigans started. Interestingly enough, the current URL for the page is www.facebook.com/girlswithguns18.

What’s going on over there? Our money’s on a hacker, and that seems to be the general consensus in the comments. Here’s to hoping that Blackhawk! will take control of the situation soon.

You can check out the madness for yourself here, but be warned it’s a bit NSFW: Blackhawk! Facebook page.

Hey Tank – We Got You A Snack

Sunday, July 20th, 2014
