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Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

In Case You Wondered What An ICBM Reentry Looks Like

Saturday, December 28th, 2013

This video of a Russian ICBM during Reentry to the atmosphere was taken at the the Kura Test Range, located in northern Kamchatka Krai, a Russian Federation territory north of Japan. Amazingly, for decades, the United States developed permanent facilities in nearby Alaska in order to monitor testing at Kura but now hand held video is freely posted to the internet.

Now Looks Like It’s US Army SF’s Turn

Saturday, December 21st, 2013


This baby hails from Will County, Illinois. I can’t tell if the crest says “De Oppresso Liber” or not but if it does, I’m sure someone will see some irony in it.

Thanks SGM (R) Davenport!

This is the logo in question.


Google Glass At The Gun Range

Friday, December 20th, 2013

This video purportedly created by a Google Glass wearing shooter has been making the rounds on the interwebz. The author is shooting a Springfield XD and a Title II AR-15 lower with a CMMG upper, Huntertown Arms suppressor, C-MORE red dot sight, and 50-round Black Dog Machine 22lr mag. The comments on the YouTube post are hilariously ridiculous. What do you think?

It Must Be A Sov’ Thing

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

First we had Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov with an itchy trigger finger, and now it’s the Chairman of the Board himself.

Its a Sov Thing

All I can figure is that it’s a Sov’ Thing.

Cold Steel Pocket Shark Marker

Sunday, October 27th, 2013


Although Cold Steel is largely known for their blades, they’re capable of branching out their product line, as seen with the Pocket Shark Marker. The Pocket Shark Marker is a heavy-duty fine-tip felt marker. Although it’s lacking a strike edge or metal body like a tactical pen would have, the Shark does have a hard impact-resistant plastic body, four times thicker than regular markers; it can be run over with a car and still write. The cap is screw-on, which makes it much easier to retain the cap when stored, and helps to prevent any unintentional mark or leak. The marker also features a clip for storing in a pocket.


Go Ahead, Say It

Thursday, October 24th, 2013


US Army SGT Matt Pelak Where Are You?

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

You brought up some interesting points in the recent article on The Blaze. We’d like to interview. Please contact us.

Mil-Spec Monkey Logo Spotted In Call Of Duty: Ghosts Footage

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

This article was featured yesterday on Tactical Fanboy.

Monkey In CoD

I was watching some of the alpha multiplayer footage from Call of Duty: Ghosts and I noticed a very familiar looking logo being used as a player emblem. Specifically, it’s the Mil-Spec Monkey logo, slightly altered to include either some frost or a white beard along the chin. I contacted Monkey directly about spotting this, to get his take on its inclusion in the game. The verdict? While I wasn’t flat out told directly, it doesn’t look like its use was authorized by Monkey himself.

It can be seen in this video around the 1:30 and 1:50 marks.