This clip from Portlandia quite handily sums up about everything that can go wrong while shooting a review video.
This clip from Portlandia quite handily sums up about everything that can go wrong while shooting a review video.
A Former Marine friend sent this to me and asked me to publish it “as is.” Doctrine Man does a pretty good job of sharing interesting insight on Facebook. You can follow him here.
“Yes, you are a simpleton if you are worried you will try to insert the MS Clean magazine shaped cleaning kit into a rifle.”
Who said this? I did. On Facebook. Thought I’d share.
Photographer Sabine Pearlman photographed over 900 cross-sections of various cartridges, with a small sampling available as a portfolio on her site. From left to right, the cartridges featured above are a 7.62x51mm plastic short-range training tracer, 7.92mm Mauser, and 6.5x55mm wood bullet blank. The cartridges were photographed in a Swiss WWII bunker in October 2012. – Ammo Portfolio
This article was originally featured on Tactical Fanboy.
The Marine Corps has added the V-22 to the aircraft at HMX-1 tasked with Presidential and executive support. Notice the paint job does not include the white top so we’d be safe in surmising that this will be used for support functions.
Still not sure on the designation, so for now, this remains an MV-22 which in and of itself is ridiculous for a Marine aircraft to carry the M prefix, long used for Special Operations aircraft.
The reason I never had one of these Entertech water guns is because I was already in the Army by the time they came out. But, if they had them now, I’d get the RPG.
Thanks Tyler!
From US Army WTF! Moments