SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Posts Tagged ‘40mm’

FirstSpear Six-Pack

Friday, May 4th, 2012

First-Spear has a new modular LBE pouch they call the First Spear ‘Six-Pack’. It’s designed to carry six (6) forty mike-mike rounds in two tiers of three (3) rounds each, one above the other. The Six-Pack, designed to occupy a minimal amount of real estate on your load out, buckles closed and drops open to access all six 40mm. Watch for it on the First-Spear website.

DR wrote this article but I have to tell you that I handled a prototype about two months ago and when I saw it I was like, “genius.” As you can see, it pops open and there they are, two trays of rounds. It was originally designed for users of the Mk14 Milkor USA grenade launcher, because they have to get at so many rounds at one time, but it looks great for any grenadier.