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Posts Tagged ‘American Tactical Apparel’

Houston Police Officer Creates American Tactical Apparel

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

Houston Police Officer Brian Hoffner has created a new line of clothing called American Tactical Apparel. According to a report on Houston’s KSDK

Pants cost $150 a pair. They include 15 pockets, including one on the side that’s large enough to fit a handgun.

“I have a full-size GLOCK on. If I need it now, I simply pull down this tab and I draw my GLOCK and I’m ready to defend myself,” said Brian Hoffner, founder of American Tactical Apparel. “Nothing’s pulling anywhere. It’s totally comfortable. And a full-size gun concealed. It’s a necessity. Fifteen pockets for tactical use. For rifle mags, pistol mags, phones, cameras, ammunition, whatever you may need.
