Last week, the US Army officially fielded the M26 Modular Accessory Shotgun System to elements of the 101st Abn Div. This is 2012. I fired it in 2004 when I was still on active duty and it wasn’t exactly brand new when I shot it at APG during a PEO Soldier range day. To put your mind in the right frame of reference, I also fired an XM8 on that day as well as a few other goodies.

(US Army photo by Sgt. Joe Padula, 2nd BCT PAO, 101st ABN Div)
The M26 is a derivative of the C-More Systems Lightweight Shotgun System manufactured by Vertu Corporation.
There are already some out there but I’m not sure why is took so long to pull the trigger this thing. As more and more troops receive it, I fully expect to hear the howls of those who have to carry this thing. It’s a good idea, just poorly executed. Don’t get me wrong, there are a couple of cool things going on here. For example, that big muzzle brake is actually there to aid the shooter in setting his stand off for breaching rounds. Unfortunately, it’s also got a lot of fleas. For one thing, it is magazine fed which will get in the way, so most guys will only load it when it is needed for breaching. Also, it’s a specialty magazine. Supply will become an issue.

(US Army photo by Sgt. Joe Padula, 2nd BCT PAO, 101st ABN Div)
But, the big issue is how it works. There is a collapsible charging handle on the side of the weapon (it can be configured for left or right hand operation) and every time you want to fire it, you have to manually charge it. Sure, it has a standalone stock, but then you get back to the action and magazine issues.