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Posts Tagged ‘Chiappas’

X-Caliber System Update – Now Available Through Chiappa Firearms

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

Chiappa is now offering the X-Caliber Multi-caliber bore insert system coupled with a modernized M6 break action survival rifle.

Even though we first mentioned the X-caliber system in late 2012, we still get emails inquiring about it. Originally offered by Tim Ralston’s GearUp Center, as a stand alone kit, this model from Chiappas is kind of interesting.


It’s an over/under design featuring a rifled .22 LR and smooth bore 12 ga barrels. This gives you a total of 12 different calibers with the the 8 X-caliber steel adapter inserts. That’s the 2 calibers in the M6 along with 8 pistol calibers (.380 , 9 mm, .357Mag/.38SP, .40 S & W, .44 Mag, .45 ACP , .410/.45colt ) and 2 shotgun calibers (.410 and 20 ga).


The M6 was designed originally as a survival rifle for downed USAF aircrews. As I’ve stated, it’s an Over/Under design and it can be bent in half for storage or transportation. Interestingly, it’s cocked via opening the break action and uses double triggers with one for each barrel. The “lever”, or extended trigger guard is used to release the action.


Two things they’ve done to “modernize” the type is to add 3 Mil Std 1913 rails at the receiver and incorporated a molded polypropylene stock. I’m not sold on that component but everything else looks ok. It features an 18.5″ barrel with an overall length of 34.6″ with the stock in place. Stored length is 18.5″.