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Posts Tagged ‘David Vigil’

A Video Game Inspired Product That You Can Buy

Monday, August 20th, 2012


Master leathersmith David Vigil has crafted this impressive gun holster for Vigilante Leather, inspired by the one used by Nathan Drake in the PS3-exclusive ‘Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception’. The design closely matches the in-game model in both metalwork and the dye job used to treat the leather; a model dyed in black with gunmetal-colored metalwork is also available upon request. 8 buckles, 2 to each strap, allow for easy fitting, with an option for custom fitting if required. Additionally, every holster is waterproofed and stress tested, insuring full functionality in any situation. Simply put, it’s a piece that’s usable for way more than just cosplay. 

Available in limited quantities from David Vigil on Etsy.

This article originally appeared on