FirstSpear TV

Posts Tagged ‘Frog.Pro’


Monday, June 27th, 2016

This is the second in “GEAR Made In” series featuring European kit manufacturers by the guys from the Austrian gear blog, SPARTANAT. I checked out FROG.PRO during IWA so it’s cool to get a more in-depth look.


Some guys love what they call „Gucci Gear“. It is all about high quality and a price not too low. FROG.PRO is a small company from Italy and the manufacture what we would call „Armani Gear“. Also high quality, but with style. We talked with Fabio Casali, the founder and owner of FROG.PRO.

Fabio Casali

SPARTANAT: Why FROG.PRO? What is the Frog in your companies name?


I always loved frogs. They are tiny animals that seem harmless but some of them can produce toxic secretions from their skin. They have a well colored skin, from bright red or yellow colors to camouflage pattern. They are amphibious, and this is certainly one of the reasons because they became the symbol of some SF raiders. We have a great tradition of SF units and this is in a certain way a tribute paid to them and honor what they do.

SPARTANAT: FROG.PRO origins from Italy. What kind of gear is manufactured by you?

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FROG.PRO: We produce high-end equipment for Military forces, Security operators and Outdoor activities. FROG.PRO products are made from the selection of the best high tech materials and fabrics available. The major part of these materials are sourced from the USA, the world leaders in military equipment innovation, and they exceed all United States MIL-SPEC requirements. Studies of the design during the different phases of development allows us to make concealed stitching with a protective second layer of material. Furthermore all points liable to wear, through friction or stretching, are sewn with special attention. Our modus operandi may not be the least expensive, however each article that leaves our workshop is a milestone in our company mission to provide the best that money can buy.

SPARTANAT: How long have you manufactured gear?

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The FROG.PRO brand was born in the second half of 2011 to better represent our customized products, once made as a hobby. We officially launched FROG.PRO, as a proper and registered company, in May 2013. Since that day we never stopped working on new designed products.

SPARTANAT: Who puts on FROG.PRO gear?

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We are in contact with our SF/SOF r&d teams on a daily basis to develop and test new products based on their special requirements. The past year Italian Air Force raiders choose FROG.PRO to meet their needs and at the moment they can rely on some high tech innovative products such as our LC Hagakure. Our products are not only military personnel related, in fact we provide gears to PSC Operators, anti poaching units operating in Africa, serious amateurs for tactical activities and outdoor enthusiasts. That’s why we decided to set different categories on our website.

SPARTANAT: You have a very special style. Some people say it is „Armani gear“. Where does your feeling for design come from?

Well, to be honest I do not have any design studies in my background like probably somebody else has. My studies as a youngster were directed completely in the opposite way, but I am very meticulous and I always applied myself to reach the best results both in major and minor projects. Anyway, the aesthetic side is not the priority when I design a new product. Functionality and comfort come first. When these standards are satisfied I start working on the design, often introducing new materials or new features that make our products unique.

SPARTANAT: Anything you want to tell costumers?

We are currently working on a new line of products that will introduce some cool innovation in tactical gear. Visit our website, like our Facebook page and follow us to be always updated!



FROG.PRO Laser Cut-Air Warrior Plate Carrier

Sunday, September 27th, 2015

This is the FROG.PRO LC-AWPC (Laser Cut-Air Warrior Plate Carrier).

Their take on a PALS compatible system consists of a proprietary composite fabric called LAHYCO, made of Hypalon and Cordura 500D.  It allows them s to add some special features such as utility holes for shock cord or slots for QASM buckles.

Its light weight (480g).  The inner ballistic plates pouches, thanks to the Open Top design are suitable for any shape of rigid ballistic plates. The low profile design allows the wearer to use it as a concealed vest. The supplied adapters allow it to attach the new LC line chest rigs.

Available in Coyote Tan, Ranger Green, Vegetato EI, MultiCam.