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Posts Tagged ‘KitUp!’

KitUp! Visits SFSC and SFARTAETC

Saturday, May 28th, 2011

Our friend Christian Lowe was given unprecedented access to both the Special Forces Sniper Course (old SOTIC) as well as the Special Forces Advanced Reconnaissance, Target Analysis, and Exploitation Techniques Course.

Be sure to check his video out.


KitUp! Attends M855A1 Shoot at Aberdeen

Friday, May 6th, 2011

While I was living it up in San Diego attending Warrior Expo West, my buddy at Military.com’s KitUp! had the opportunity to attend an Army sponsored demonstration at Aberdeen Proving Ground of the new 5.56 mm “Green” M855A1 round now finding its way into Operation Enduring Freedom.

Make sure you read the article and slides and then weigh in on the conversation.


The Army’s Weapons Signature Management Efforts

Monday, February 14th, 2011

KitUp! and their parent, Military.com ran a good report last week on the Army’s fielding of enhanced flash hiders as the first step of a weapons signature management strategy. We only have a couple of things to add to their story. As we understand it, the Army also purchased flash hiders from BE Meyers as well as AAC and SureFire. Additionally, the current M16 Birdcage-style flash hider dates back to the M16A1. The M16 originally had a 3-prong flash hider that was more effective but was prone to breakage. The design was altered in order to close the pointy end of the thing so that it would not get caught in vines. Reportedly, troops also used the flash hider as a lever to open C-ration crates until it was changed. It will interesting to see how these new flash hiders fair under field conditions although some of these early concerns have been taken into account.

Finally a quick plug for KitUp! If you are not checking it regularly, you should be. KitUp! along with Military Morons are two sites that we feel are complimentary to Soldier Systems Daily.