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Posts Tagged ‘McMillan Group’

Ryan McMillan And The McMillan Group Officially Announced Announce The Launch Of Grayboe LLC

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

Phoenix, AZ– June 22, 2016 – Ryan McMillan and the McMillan Group, worldwide leader in firearms industry innovation, announces the launch of Grayboe Stocks in association with the McMillan Group of companies. Utilizing new materials and processes, Grayboe continues the legacy of industry leadership that the McMillan Group has pioneered for more than 40 years while advancing stock technology throughout the entire firearm industry.

“When running the rifle company, we saw an opportunity in the mid level price range of stocks that are available to gun builders and OEMs.” Said Grayboe CEO, Ryan McMillan. “We had conceptualized the idea of creating a high quality, high volume, and low price stock in the past, and Grayboe brings that conceptualization to reality.”

“We have worked for several years to provide the industry with an affordable off the shelf fiberglass and epoxy stock.” Said Kelly McMillan, CEO McMillan Group International. “It took Ryan’s background education and experience in the firearms industry to perfect the process and bring it to the market.”

The idea behind the creation of Grayboe began over a decade ago when McMillan Fiberglass Stocks realized the need for a more efficient and cost effective way to make high quality epoxy based stocks.

Grayboe is the culmination of two years of intense R&D, which began by building on McMillan’s earlier successes and research. Having adapted cutting edge engineering and materials from various industrial sectors, Grayboe innovations led to the development of a manufacturing process that produces rifle stocks unlike any others before. The completely new process has established a high benchmark of strength and stiffness that others will want to follow. This newly developed method of manufacturing brings together high volume and low costs to the well established Epoxy based rifle stock market. Thru these efforts, Grayboe has revolutionized the way in which thermoset stocks are produced, filling an industry void that has been left empty for decades.

Grayboe Stocks cannot be equaled in durability, accuracy, or price.

For more information on Grayboe Stocks, please visit: grayboe.com

Huge News From McMillan Group International

Saturday, May 18th, 2013

When I hear that this company or that no longer wants to conduct commerce with the firearms industry I don’t freak out over it. Why? Because the market abhors a vacuum and things like this come out of it to fix the issue. This is great news because, rather than someone who is just in it for the money, an option for transactions run by someone who cares about our industry will be available. The less, “they” make money off of us, the less “they” can use it against us.

From Kelly McMillan;

Since the issue with BofA over a year ago, I have been working on a project to support businesses in the firearms industry. I am not quite where i wanted to be when announcing this project but it has been brought to my attention that there has been another corporate decision by a financial company to try and adversely effect our industry. Because I have been in the firearms industry for 40 years, and have been successful, I wanted to do something that would allow me to give back to the industry.

ATTENTION everyone using Quick Books for your accounting and using Intuit to process your credit card transaction. Just yesterday a close friend in the firearms industry was given notice that Intuit would no longer process their credit card transactions and they had one day to find another provider. I think we should assume that if they have any indication you do firearms transactions, they will cancel your services as well.

It was coincidence that I found out about this particular issue when I was in my friends office to tell him that I am starting a new business. After talking to thousands of people and hearing hundreds of stories about businesses in the firearms industry being denied financial services because of the industry we are in, it became clear to me that there is a real need to start developing a firearms industry supportive financial network. One of the most difficult services for us to get is merchant services. I have heard literally hundreds of stories about businesses being denied credit card processing because they company refused to handle firearms transactions.

So, though it is a little premature because I have a few things left to secure before I can proceed full speed ahead, it want to let everyone know I am developing a merchant services company that is partnered with a bank that is 100% behind our industry, and at services gateway company that shares our commitment. This is what I can promise every business owner out there,

” I will provide you with merchant services at the very lowest price possible, will stand behind you and you business every step. Our partner bank and gateway provider will support all of our industry businesses and you won’t have any fear that someday down the road you will get that call telling you your merchant account has been cancelled.”

The main reason for doing this is to provide the industry a service that they can count on, but we are confident that we can also save everyone money while doing it. We also plan to donate a percentage of our profits to firearms industry supportive organizations like the NRA, NSSF, SCI or other non-profit organizations.

Please pass the word. If you are in need immediately, we will work to get you set up asap. If you have service and want us to contact you when we are ready (1-2 months) you can message me with details.

McMillan Group can be messages through Facebook.
