
Posts Tagged ‘Motorola’

Motorola LEX 700 Mission Critical Handheld

Monday, April 30th, 2012

Motorola is marketing their new LEX 700 Mission Critical Handheld. Imagine that all of the things that military now take for granted such as dynamic mapping, GPS, Blue Force Tracking, and streaming video were all available to Law Enforcement, First Responders and Fire services? That’s what the LEX 700 and its associated infrastructure offers and all in a smartphone package. When connected to Public Safety LTE broadband, all of a municipality’s services can be coordinated. Communication is via voice services over LTE, cellular and IP networks or a dedicated Push-to-Talk button. Additionally, the LEX 700 can be used to as a controller to remotely change volume and channels on an APX® 7000 radio.

Personnel can use the LEX 700 to coordinate via white board, see each other’s locations relative to a scene and share imagery and other useful intelligence across the network.