We received this note from our great friends at TNVC who were at last weekend’s NRA Annual Meeting in Houston. Even though they are a night vision company, they understand how important our fundamental right to keep and bear arms is to America.
As some of you were aware, we were down in Houston Texas attending the NRA show were over 70,000 showed up to show their support. An amazing show to say the least and we were honored to have NRA Executive Director Chris Cox stop by and talk about night vision. Kyle (our Director of Govy/Mil) is seen below explaining the finer points with some of our NV Gear.
Kyle also mentioned Gov. Perry showed up briefly and poked his head between the crowd to look at some gear. We wanted to talk with him, but the booth was incredibly crowded at that time.
We here at TNVC are extremely Pro-Gun and obviously have deep rooted beliefs in the 2nd Amendment. So you all know, each and every employee here at TNVC are also Lifetime Members of the NRA. We’re proud to support our constitutional rights and we hope each and every one of you are engaged in strong support.
Vic Di Cosola