
Posts Tagged ‘Poly80’

TacHacker – Visit For Your Chance To Win A Free 80% Lower

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

In case you couldn’t tell by the name Poly80 is a new company that specializes in 80% lower receivers which have recently gained in popularity as a DIY project. As of this writing they are not considered firearms until completed and you can finish them for your own use without registering them with the ATF as a manufacturer. You also need to be able to legally possess that particular type of firearms (local laws obviously apply). Nether we nor Poly80 are lawyers but they do offer some background on this issue that will help you with your own research.

The receivers are offered in Black, Sand, Green and Pink and can be completed with simple tools such as Dremel tools and drills. Unlike the aluminum versions, these polymer lowers can be completed without the use of jigs to align the drill.


To mark their launch, Poly80 is offering the chance to win one of five 80% lowers that they are giving away. See their site for details.

And this, well this is pretty funny.

Enter for your chance to win one of five free 80% lower receivers.