
Posts Tagged ‘Protective Products Enterprises’

Armor Holdings Take 2?

Tuesday, December 27th, 2011

Ok, it’s not the same thing but we do see Sun Capital Partners gobbling up armor companies. In addition to Protective Products Enterprises and Paraclete that we recently wrote about, they have also purchased Point Blank Solutions Inc (in October) which consists of Point Blank Body Armor and PACA Body Armor. That puts several armor companies under one “roof” and when you add in the other companies under the Sun Capital Partners umbrella that operate on the fringes of the tactical industry; Kelty, Sierra Designs, Slumberjack, Ultimate Direction and Royal Robbins, you begin to see the possibility of some synergy. Let’s see if they do as well.

NBOW Range Day – PPE

Thursday, September 8th, 2011


PPE demonstrated their DX3A package. It more than held up to the task it was designed for stopping 9mm, .40, .45 as well as 12 ga shot and slug. It was refreshing to see them chrono the ammo and weapon combo before each set of shots.


After the initial volley, Mike Runella added their Speed Plate to the vest. It is a lightweight PE based plate designed specifically for special threats like 5.7mm.


In a veritable torture test, several attendees were asked to unload a magazine into the vest one after another. Even after all of this, no penetrations.
