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Posts Tagged ‘rantgasm’

Operator Overload

Sunday, January 19th, 2014

Over the years, I’ve sat by and watched folks go off on full on rants over use of the term ‘Operator.’ Apparently, I have a high threshold for BS because it never seemed to set me off like it did my friends. I took a ‘whatever’ approach to the issue. But lately it seems like everyone and their brother wants to be an ‘Operator.’ Why, just today I perused a website created by a cabal of ‘tactical operators,’ whatever the hell that is. This isn’t a bash on my brothers in blue but the term has become especially prevalent in the LE community, distastefully so.

On the other hand, I know a whole bunch of real deal ‘Operators” of the SOF kind who earned the title. The funny thing is, they don’t run around using it. In fact, if you ask them if they were an ‘Operator’ they’d probably say refer you to the friendly buck Sergeant depicted in the photo at the top.

Recently, a new trend has started that makes fun of the term ‘Operator.’ How can you not laugh when someone says, “Do you even operate bro?”

So, how about we, as a community, police ourselves up a little bit? It’s gets a little intense sometimes. And seriously, could someone tell me what a ‘tactical operator’ is?

BTW, I’m a former US Army EW/SIGINT Voice Intercept Operator. How’s that for a lolz?

Operator Overload

Sunday, July 29th, 2012

Iver the years, I’ve sat by and watched folks go off on full on rants over use of the term ‘Operator.’ Apparently, I have a high threshold for BS because it never seemed to set me off like it did my friends. I took a ‘whatever’ approach to the issue. But lately it seems like everyone and their brother wants to be an ‘Operator.’ Why, just today I perused a website created by a cabal of ‘tactical operators,’ whatever the hell that is. This isn’t a bash on my brothers in blue but the term has become especially prevalent in the LE community, distastefully so.

On the other hand, I know a whole bunch of real deal ‘Operators” of the SOF kind who earned the title. The funny thing is, they don’t run around using it. In fact, if you ask them if they were an ‘Operator’ they’d probably say refer you to the friendly buck Sergeant depicted in the photo at the top.

So, how about we, as a community, police ourselves up a little bit? And seriously, could someone tell me what a ‘tactical operator’ is?

BTW, I’m a former US Army EW/SIGINT Voice Intercept Operator. How’s that for a lolz?

Congrats Nike and The US Naval Academy

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

Nothing like dishonoring the term “Warrior” by equating it with a child’s game. I’m pretty much sick of people playing games that last an hour or two equating it combat and being warriors. It gets even better when they use terms like “honor” and “sacrifice.” It’s hard to believe that the Naval Academy played right into the hands of Nike. They should know better, both Nike and the Navy. But don’t feel bad Navy, Nike did it with USMA as well. Let Nike take that crap to schools that don’t produce real Warriors and they sit around and tell each other how tough it is to play at it.

Don’t know what I’m referring to? Nike’s “Pro Combat System of Dress.” It’s not made for the battlefield. Nope, instead, it’s built for a game, and they’re using the good name of our most respected institutions to sell it.

I guess the only redeeming factor in this is that Air Force beat Navy yesterday in “combat.”