
Posts Tagged ‘Tac-Sac’

2016’s Top Story: TAC-SAC – Get Your Balls Back America

Saturday, December 31st, 2016

Our best performing story for 2016 (actually, for all time) was “TAC-SAC – Get Your Balls Back America”. I suppose it’s an appropriate coda for a year where social media played such an important role, no matter how unbelievable the content.

There’s not a lot that needs to be said about the TAC-AC. Rather, it’s something that you get, once you’ve seen It.  Unfortunately, in this day and age, the TAC-SAC may be offensive to some, so I’ll suggest you not go to the jump unless you’re sure your career won’t be in jeopardy by opening it at work. (more…)

TAC-SAC – Get Your Balls Back America

Sunday, October 23rd, 2016

There’s not a lot that needs to be said about the TAC-AC. Rather, it’s something that you get, once youve seen. Unfortunately, in this day and age, the TAC-SAC may be offensive to some, so I’ll suggest you not go to the jump unless you’re sure your career won’t be in jeopardy. (more…)