GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Posts Tagged ‘TFB’

Medal of Honor

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

Medal of Honor doesn’t single-handedly define the first person genre. Nor does it introduce some radically new idea or change the way we look at games in general. But rather, like Call of Duty, it also broke away from its WWII roots and reboots in a modern setting. In many ways, it’s just like the other ‘modern warfare’ shooters that are already on the market. So why even get it? Because, it does what it does very well, and it’s also pretty damn fun.

The story takes place in Afghanistan over a two day period during Operation Enduring Freedom. During that time, you’ll switch, with fairly equal playtimes, between a SEAL, Army Ranger, and “Tier One Operator”, with an Apache helicopter mission thrown in for flavor. The campaign does a good job of being believable. Soldiers interact with a sense of camaraderie, and converse with accurate force-specific jargon. Equally realistic objectives and scenarios are also within the campaign, mirroring the kind of operations these men would undergo in real life. The influence of the military sources that were used in the creation of the game are apparent. It’s also worth mentioning that the frame rate does drop significantly when the action gets really frantic, but it’s not game breaking.

The controls are the same as MW2, at least on the consoles, so if you’re coming from that game you won’t get that sense of ‘controller shock’ that can occur with other titles. You’ll receive the standard assortment of weaponry found in any other game of this kind: assault rifles, shotguns, pistols, etc. The ever present one hit kill knife is also in the game, and is as satisfying as ever. The Apache segment is on-rails, and you only control the weapons. This works fine, however, as it’s more fun to shoot at targets without worrying about piloting as well.

Multiplayer is a much different game compared to single player, having been developed by Battlefield creator DICE. Much like Battlefield, there are different classes to choose from and weapons to unlock, but that’s pretty much where the similarities end. The maximum number of players for each team is 12, players can’t form into squads, and maps are relatively small, making CQB a common occurrence. Damage from weapons is also greater, so death is much more common. It’s fast and frantic, and it’ll be sure to tide you over until Black Ops comes out next month.

Overall, Medal of Honor doesn’t offer much that hasn’t already been seen, nonetheless it’s a solid game. I highly recommend it.

-Tactical FanBoy

A Bike Built For 007? No, But It’s Still Pretty Cool

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

The BOND bike, which stand for ‘Built of Notorious Deterrents’, is a name well earned. It features a flamethrower to stop cars from coming too close, an ejector seat to combat bike thieves, a rear caterpillar track to deal with potholes, and a droppable front ski for snow. Sadly, the bike is only a concept piece by U.K. bike insurance company ETA, so don’t expect to see it on the market any time soon. Look for it at Cycle Show 2010.

– Tactical FanBoy

Now We’re One Step Closer To A Real-Life Rocketeer

Saturday, October 9th, 2010

Among the many futuristic pursuits we were promised as kids but never got, like food pills, flying cars, and death rays, comes an actual jetpack, courtesy of the Martin Aircraft Company of New Zealand. Featuring a gasoline powered V4, 2 liter engine, the Martin Jetpack can fly at a maximum regulated speed of 63mph with a maximum ceiling of 8000 feet. The current focus of the company is for governmental purchase, with 500 jetpacks to be used by emergency services and four unnamed defense companies. However, Martin is looking to secure additional funding to build a factory for the purpose of making jetpacks for commercial purchase. Although manned flight trials won’t be until 2012 at the earliest, at least we have something to look forward to as an alternate to that painful commute to work.

– Tactical FanBoy


Friday, October 8th, 2010

Behold, a comprehensive overview of the secret G.I. JOE base from the ’82 comic series of the same name. The surface functions as a mild mannered military base, probably home to an armored unit or something else lame. But, the fully functional motor pool leads to the true base underground. In order to maintain perfect cover, it is capable of accomplishing complete ‘lube jobs’; take that as you will.

Buried underground, is your standard secret base affair, complete with garage, Pentagon uplink, training area, armory, and the mandatory computer banks. All standard stuff for a secret lair. But of real interest to me is that there is not only a classified but also a top secret room on the fifth level. How could you beat that? Well, you can. There’s even a hologram room functioning off 1980’s technology. It’s like that tree house you always wanted, but ten times better… and underground.


– Tactical FanBoy

Skull Hitch Cover

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Ever wanted something for the hitch on your truck or 4×4 that looked cool, yet menacing? Then TAD Gear’s Skull Hitch Cover should do just the trick. Handmade from laser-cut steel with a powder coated finish, it’s emblazoned with the design of TAD’s Mean T-Skull logo.

– Tactical Fanboy

Mecha Attack!

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

While the Raytheon Company is busy working on an adult sized robotic exoskeleton, Japan already has child sized mechs! Yes, I said child sized. The ‘Kid’s Walker’ from robotics manufacturer Sakakibara Kikai is a prototype bipedal mech designed more as a child’s toy than the perfect tool to smash a genocidal alien collective, even with its $21,600 price tag. Luckily, for those of us on a budget, it will be available as a rental at some point. Then your kid could show the neighborhood bully who’s really the boss.

-Tactical FanBoy

Last Chance Reminder for MoH Beta

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Medal of Honor comes out October 12th, but before then EA is running an open beta from the 4th to the 7th. Included with the beta are two new maps; Shahikot Mountains and Kunar Base, two new games modes, Combat Mission and Sector Control, and a multitude of fixes including increased weapons damage, improved character hitboxes, and the inclusion of the F2000, G3A4 and P90 PDW in the unlock tree. It looks like this beta more completely represents what the final multiplayer experience will be when MoH comes out, so why not sample it now?

– Tactical FanBoy

Superpowered Power Suit

Friday, October 1st, 2010

From Defense Contractor Raytheon comes the XOS 2 robotics suit. A powered exoskeleton, it greatly increases the strength of the wearer while being lighter and requiring 50 percent less power than its predecessor, the Scarcos XOS. This new tethered version is tied to its shore power source and would be used to lift heavy objects for logistics purposes, such as munitions and supplies, and will be applied to the theater of operations in about 5 years. A non-tethered combat variant, including only the lower half to help alleviate the strain of heavy equipment, will be applied 3-5 years after the tethered variant. There is no word, however, on when a variant suitable to combat Alien queens will be introduced.

– Tactical FanBoy