This is an article on the comparison between Image Intensification and Thermal Capability produced by TNVC, which we are republishing with their consent. It’s a rather lengthy piece but worth the jump.
The term “night vision” actually covers two technologies: Image Intensification and Thermal. These two technologies have undergone significant development over the past 25 years and made tremendous leaps in the past 15 throughout the Global War on Terror. They have provided unprecedented advantages to the warfighter on the battlefield and law enforcement professionals in their never ending struggles to keep this country safe. And like most technologies born on the battlefield, tactical eventually becomes practical. With the rising popularity of nighttime hog and predator hunting in the United States, more and more hunters are finding themselves shopping for night vision gear. Night Vision Hunting has become the fastest growing segment of the hunting market and many hunters are asking: “what type of device is best for me?” The law enforcement community is asking itself these same questions as many agencies are finding a need to better equip themselves at night in order to keep the streets safe.