FirstSpear TV

LBX Tactical Delivering Kit in Project Honor Camo


Featuring the Honor Camo pattern developed for Project Honor and EA’s Medal of Honor Warfighter video game, LBX Tactical’s new line of gear based on proven LBT Inc designs is shipping. There is a wide variety of items including two styles of chest rigs, two plate carriers, a holster and other accessory items as well Transporter and Light Strike packs.


5 Responses to “LBX Tactical Delivering Kit in Project Honor Camo”

  1. Mono says:

    Damn! those are dirty cheap prices for gear… even if you don’t like the cammo, you can rattlecan it (I would)

    • Lasse says:

      It might have LBTs quality control, but I highly doubt that it’s mil-spec or even made in the US.

  2. Kaoskydexsolutions says:

    It is made with all US materials and LBT’s specs, but is assembled in Peru. I purchased the plate carrier to check out the quality and it is equal to my LBT6094. They also offer any of that gear to be made in the US, for customers requiring Berry Amendment kit.

  3. joe says:

    Will their PC’s fit SAPIs?