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SOFIC 2014 – KAC SR-47


Originally developed in late 2001 for an Urgent Operational Requirement from Army SOf deployed to Afghanistan for an 7.62 x 39 AR-style carbine that accepts AK magazines, the Knights Armament Corp SR-47 was recently dusted off due to renewed military interest in the design.


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36 Responses to “SOFIC 2014 – KAC SR-47”

  1. Eddie says:

    I really love this concept, it would enable NATO troops to use ammo from opposing forces with extreme effectiveness. Would’ve come in handy back in Mogadishu 93′ thinking about how many rounds were expended from the M16s. The Rangers and Delta Force would have never run out of ammo. XD

  2. English kanigit says:

    For the love of Eugene Stoner’s ghost please make this and sell it commercially!!!

  3. Jayson says:

    Actually had hands on this weapon when the originals were boxed up to get shipped outta Titusville. Imagine going down to help shoot in the barrels of the original group of MK11-MOD 0’s and your buddy breaks out an SR47…one of those perfect days…It is perfect rifle in my opinion. Knights means big $$$ unfortunately…

  4. JEFF says:

    It looks like and AR bastard. I would love one!

  5. Sgt A says:

    Why does KAC tease us so badly. I really, really, really want one. I do not, in fact, care what they cost… although if they crank out a thousand of them they’ll all sell as preorders.

  6. Gregor says:

    Any information about improvements over the old SR47? Or is it just a shorter SD-ready barrel?

  7. Badjujuu says:


  8. Jan Vervoorst says:

    KAC should just bring their S.L.I.C.K. system to market. Don’t you think that would sell like hotcakes?

  9. TobyM says:

    I thought one of the main reasons this originally died down was the unknown condition of ‘battlefield pickup’ ammunition – What state are the the magazines in (have they been stored loaded for a year? are the feed lips damaged?), and what about the the ammunition (make/age/storage conditions/variety)
    In Helmand we’d find Taliban weapons caches, some buried in neoprene dug outs, but a lot of the time just wrapped in plastic bags and covered over with earth – I personally wouldn’t want to run a mag that’s been buried in the Afghan dirt for 6+ months; I know AKs are reliable work horses but there must be a limit…

    • McGvr says:

      What about sabotage? An explosive round that intentionally get jammed in the barrel and pop! If I ever had tonuse enemy rounds I’d at least load the mag myself so I can be sure there are actual bullets in the casings and not mini bombs blowing off my head.

  10. Chicken Legs says:

    I love this carbine! But…you could always snag an AK.

  11. Subandsand says:

    How different is this from the Rock River Arms LAR-47?

    • SSD says:

      It works

      • CAP says:


      • Angry Misha says:

        If it’s the same design that was tested at Crane against the Roabinson RAV02 during the SOCOM SPR-V Trials, I wouldn’t go so far to say that it “works”. There is a reason why when KAC was awarded that effort that it was then cancelled when the “truth” came out. I’m not going to drop names, but one of the testers refered to the plethora of rounds laying on the ground due to stoppages as “Knight Turds”.

  12. Crayon eating booger eater says:

    Come on people, focus on the important question, here:

    Was it the Rock River or the KAC that Packy used in CatShit1?!

  13. PbLead says:

    Get rid of the AR bolt and gas system and adopt the AK piston and bolt like I’ve seen here before and you have yourself a DEAL!

    • Haji says:

      They already have those rifles; they’re offered as “AK’s” from various manufacturers.

  14. Mike says:

    The Rock River one is cool, but the SR-47 has a real-deal M4-type magazine button that they ingeniously got to work with AK magazines. Looks like that was too expensive for Rock River.

  15. dan says:

    What I want to know is why you aren’t talking about this bad boy:

  16. CRH says:

    Ahh the great AR-47 spawn…Kalashnikov is spinning in his grave right now. I am going to have to side with Misha on this. This concept has been around for quite awhile the problem is the AR platform doesn’t like the 7.62×39 ammo especially the kind your going to source on a deployment. Commercially if you are stateside and are getting Hornady Match grade 7.62×39 you will probably have significantly less issues. I just haven’t seen any of these that run well, especially when they are suppressed. My question is whats wrong with an AK? There are plenty of great companies out there making awesome parts I ran an AK for a couple of deployments in AFG with great results.

  17. Stefan S. says:

    Kalshnikov admitted he had German help on the AK. Hugo Schmeisser, yes the MP-40 creator. But you couldn’t have a ex Nazi designing Stalin’s newest rifle could you?