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Enforce Tac 19 – H&K SFP9 OR SD

German manufacturer Heckler & Koch displayed the SFP9 OR SD at Enforce Tac. It is a striker fired 9mm pistol. Most of you are probably comfortable with the SD designation indicating suppressed, but you may not be familiar with the OR suffix which stands for Optics Ready.

In this case, the slide was equipped with a Delta Point Pro by Leuplod Optics. It also featured a flared mag well.

This Impuls-IIA Compact Suppressor was produced by Switzerland’s Brugger & Thomet specifically for sale by H&K.

10 Responses to “Enforce Tac 19 – H&K SFP9 OR SD”

  1. P.J. says:

    Interesting that they used the Deltapoint Pro rear sight. It looks like the slide retains the rear dovetail but has a plate filling it in to keep the ears in place. I’m sort of surprised they used the button model for the display. Factory mag well and extended mags is neat. Any word on the capacity?

    • Brent says:

      The DP Pro rear iron sight is actually a nice option if you’re able to utilize it. The rear iron gives you adjustable windage and elevation where most suppressor sight rear sights are fixed.

    • jamFRIDGE says:

      Likely H&K’s own 20rd mag. They’ve been available stateside for a while

    • H says:

      Maybe my monitor is bad but it seems like it doesn’t have the rear sight dovetail where it would be on VP9.

      The OR version has a plate for the optic and dovetail(?) for the optic. Maybe the rear sight is held on by the plate for Delta Point.

      • P.J. says:

        The rear sight on the pistol is Deltapoint Pro accessory that mounts to the rear of the Deltapoint. It looks like it’s above a filler on the rear sight dovetail. There’s definitely a space between the optic mounting plate and where what I assume is a filler for the rear sight is.

  2. SpankDaddyCool says:

    Love the babyshit mustard color.

  3. AttackBlue1 says:

    Who makes the light/laser thing attached? Also, based on size I’m assuming it runs on two D cells.

  4. ToddC says:

    Some of these features will cause me to finally buy an H&K. I love shooting the VP9 but I could always point to a couple of short-comings (real or imagined) to avoid buying another striker fired polymer 9. Although unless that THING on the dust cover is a flame thrower or self-aiming device I don’t want one included with the pistol. I would like four to six magazines in the box, if anybody important is reading this.

  5. sean says:

    Any idea if they are going to bring the OR version to the civ market. I have been thinking about picking up a VP-9 and I would love toNOT have to Mil the slide for an optic.