SureFire XC3

Sneak Peek – Developmental Maxim 9 Non-NFA from SilencerCo

This is a developmental pistol from SilencerCo, with an action based on the Maxim 9. Its fixed barrel and proprietary delay system, push the gas forward, so it is created specifically to run with a detachable suppressor.

For those of you slow on the uptake, this pistol is not integrally suppressed. In this case, it features an attached Omega 9K.

Nonreciprocating front sight. Booster not required. Picatinny rail.

Here’s a comparison shot with the NFA Maxim9.

Coming “soon” from SilencerCo.

13 Responses to “Sneak Peek – Developmental Maxim 9 Non-NFA from SilencerCo”

  1. mike says:

    Somewhere at Safariland is a group of engineers just cussing on repeat…

    Looks awesome as a suppressed red dot blaster!

  2. Jack says:

    This would seem to fix a lot of issues with the pistol/can/red dot combo. Wonder if they’ll be able to get the red dot mounted any lower. That looks cool with the omega on there.

  3. Sommerbiwak says:

    says no NFA
    all photos with a silencer

    ehrm,yes the Pistol is not an NFA item anymore, but what does it look like without a can?

  4. Major Smoof says:

    No backup irons!?! Gasp!!

    • P.J. says:

      There are irons. The sight picture is blocked by the red dot but the irons are there.

  5. Eric says:

    I know a lot of key board warriors say “i’d Buy that” but are no where to be seen when the firearm is produced; I would actually prefer a non-nfa maxim 9. It’s mechanically interesting to me. I’m sure it will never be an option but i wish it was. i’d Prefer the option of a suppressor over an integrated one personally. Very cool either way. Thanks for the post.

  6. H D says:

    Since no booster is required, any word on whether it can come with a 3-lug mount at the end of the barrel?