
Archive for June 20th, 2008

DPM – Camo Across the Pond

Friday, June 20th, 2008

British Soldier Systems industry sources have indicated that the MOD is poised to announce next week changes to the temperate and arid variants of the Disruptive Pattern Material camouflage. Testing of a digital version of the pattern has been halted and in its place both the arid and temperate styles will see a slight palette change in order to better accommodate scrub brush. Additionally, an entirely new variant of DPM is set to be unveiled that is intended exclusively for field equipment and is a compromise between the two current patterns.

EOTAC Operator hat

Friday, June 20th, 2008

EOTAC Operator Hat

OK, so you got a Surefire helmet light but you don’t wear your helmet everyday. EOTAC, the guys who used to be Backyard Outfitter and developed the Woolrich Elite line, came up with this unique Operator Hat at the request of those in the tactical firearms training community. The helmet light attaches to the hat’s brim by means of a polymer mount developed in conjunction with Tango Down, LLC. These will be available soon.

The one-size-fits-all Operator Hat is an all cotton low profile design and has the following features:

– No Button on Crown
– Pile Tape on Crown for Combat ID
– Sewn Eyelets in Each Crown Panel
– Low Profile Shape
– Adjustable Back Design
– Surefire Helmet Light Quick-Release Mount on Visor
– Removable American Flag Patch
– Water Repellent Cotton
– Colors: Khaki, Black, Olive

*Surefire is the registered trademark of Surefire, LLC. Helmet Light not included with Operator Hat.

Custom Metal Tags

Friday, June 20th, 2008

Have you ever needed to mark a bag or a box for deployment? One of the best ways is to attach an embossed metal tag to the item. Another great use for a “Dog Tag” is to record lock combinations and always wear the tag. Getting custom tags can be difficult because most veterans want something of the same quality as a set of the classic “Dog Tags” that they wore while in uniform. Considering that the ID tag hasn’t changed since WWII, there must be something to the design. One source for such tags is My Dog Tags. They produce military style tags with any message and have templates on their site for those who want the correct information for each service on their tags.

For more information contact My Dog Tag.