RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Tactical NAV

In what may well be the ultimate expression of the DIY ethos, Army CPT Jonathan Springer developed the Tactical NAV app for iPhone. In fact, he invested a considerable amount of his own money in the concept. Based on service as a Battalion Fire Support Officer in the 101st, he spend months developing the app which uses the phone’s inherent GPS to track the user’s location and correlate in a number of ways with other elements of information. For example, using compass and map data, photos can be not only date-time stamped but with geo-location as well. Another unique feature for this app is that it uses the Military Grid Reference System and is designed to geolocate within 24 feet. CPT Springer engineered a couple of other great features into Tactical NAV such as a compass lock function and one-button night-mode function for low light conditions. Finally, it makes sharing of route tracking and waypoint plotting as simple as sending an email.

Please be aware that there is another app that was released a few days after this one with the similar name of Tactical Navigator. It is NOT the same thing at all.

For more info visit www.tacticalnav.com. It is available on iTunes for the iPhone.

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One Response to “Tactical NAV”

  1. […] first heard about Tactical NAV it in a Soldier Systems Daily Article posted in early March and were immediately interested in […]