SureFire XC3

Battlefield Airmen on the Job

We like seeing official Air Force photos of Battlefield Airmen applying airmanship to the tasks at hand. In this case we see U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Stacy Maxey, a command air mobility liaison officer with Task Force CROM, giving a landing zone safety officer course U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, and Romanian army personnel at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Lagman, Afghanistan.

You will note the combination of AF Digital Tigerstripe, Army UCP and Army OCP (MultiCam) clothing and equipment on the Airmen in the photo. Expect this to be the norm for at least the near future as deploying Airmen transition to OCP.


2 Responses to “Battlefield Airmen on the Job”

  1. Conely says:

    Seriously? You should say, “we can expect this to be the norm until the day the earth dies” Air Farce Airmen are notoriously f**ked-up uniform-wise. He probably has on black boots, you just can’t see them. This is what happens with they go outside, or leave their aircraft.

    Airmen will continue to tactically clash forever. -Army Guy

  2. Yowza says:

    At least the guy has gloves on so he won’t have to wear his Air Force mittens.