SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Rumor Has It – Updated

Actually, a very good most excellent source has it that Osama bin Ladin was brought to justice with a 7.62 5.56 weapon. In fact, I was told it was a Colt CM901. Well the whole 901 bit turned out to be a bad piece of info, but from a good source. However, UBL was gunned down using German engineering – the HK416 which was my gut feeling from the very beginning. This is confirmed to the point that I feel comfortable updating this story. Ultimately, as my readers have pointed out, it doesn’t matter what got him so long as he is dead.

Good hunting boys…


62 Responses to “Rumor Has It – Updated”

  1. John Gneple says:

    Lol…look at all these idiots…claiming that either Delta should have killed them or that they only use one specific weapon, etc etc. Tier 1 Special Forces can use any weapon or ammunition they want and I’m pretty sure even Tier 2 Special Forces can use a larger variety of weapons than normal soldiers can. Also I could care less if Delta, DEVGRU, CIA SAD, etc killed him, at least ehy got him. Why would you want to fight over who got himj? It’s fucking pointless lol. Also I’m pretty sure it was either a specific kind of 5.56 round or a 6.8 round and the weapon was either a HK-416 or LWRC M6. I know I’m not a complete expert on guns so I’m just hypothesing here unlike those “experts” who claim all these retarded, ridicolous assumtions.

  2. ArfCommer says:

    That wasn’t a K-9 they brought with them on the K-9; it was a bear jew.

  3. The 11b says:

    @John Gneple, exactly, I totaly agree! What does it matter WHO kills him. They were gonna use a SOCOM unit anyways so who gives a sht LOL!?!

  4. Jerry Jones says:

    I will have to disagree or actually I will just say what I heard form a reliable source. I just spoke with a person close Colt Defense and they where told by a Member of Joint Operations that it was a all black CM901. Who knows and actually I wish it would of been up close and personal with a P226 while begging for mercy? The room looked small and up close anyways but I would have loved to be the one to feel my gun pushed up against his head and to see the fear in his eyes! The punishment does not fit the crime. I wish one of the people who had a spouse, child, brother or sister or loved one who was killed on 9/11 could have taken that shot or been able to see him die . They should get to see the video. I am not one that forgives. I remember seeing a woman on Tv who was walking around frantic and with a look on her face like nothing I have ever seen before with a picture of her husband in her hand begging anyone to help her find him and askiing if anyone had seen him. We should of brought him back here and let her kill him. I really cant believe he died so easliy. Guess thats what was the most safe route for our men on the ground!! Sorry I get going oat the thought of that #$%^%^ .

  5. […] System updated their original report, saying instead that the H&K HK416 rifle was used by SEAL Team 6 to kill […]

  6. […] System updated their original report, saying instead that the H&K HK416 rifle was used by SEAL Team 6 to kill […]

  7. Geno says:

    he be dead is main thing, I believe I would be thinking of the ones that took his place, because you can bet your seet ass it ain’t over, Be ready

  8. Can't Say says:

    Why- because its fun. We have a passion for this kind of Sh*t. It’s what we do. Other people comment on politics- also pointless. The funny thing is – he is not dead.

  9. Paradude54 says:

    Sorry guys, it was not an H&K 416. Honestly, it doesn’t matter, but I happen to work in an area that provides me access and as boring as it may sound it was simply a SOPMOD M4A1 in 5.56.

    SEALs, like all SOF units do not use the 6.8 SPC, which is most unfortunate. It was designed in part by a friend of mine, MSG Steve Holland, just for SF in particular when he was in the 5th SFG (A), but the army shot it down and USSOCOM never pursued it further.